Name: Qiang Hong
College of Resources and Environment, Northwest A&F University,
Taicheng Road No.3Yangling, Shaanxi Province 712100
P.R.ChinaPhone: (86) 15202950791E-mail: qiangh2003@hotmail.com;
2007.10-2011.9: Studying for Ph.D. in the Lab of Environment Protection Engineering Tohoku University, Japan
2006.10-2007.8: Studying Japanese language in Northeast Normal University in Changchun
2000. 9-2004.7: Studying as a master degree student in Department of Environment
Science, Northwest Agricultural University
1993 .9-1997.7: Bachlor Degree in Environment Engineering, NanChang institute of Aeronautical technology
My research interests are wastewater treatment, solid waste management and bioenergy production, especially the anaerobic biotechnologies including methane and hydrogen fermentation.
[1] Hong Qiang , Fei Wang , Jingtao Ding , Congguang Zhang*, Co-digestion of swine manure and corn stalks with biochar as an effffective promoter: An optimization study using response surface methodology., Fuel 2020; 268:1-8. IF:5.8,
[2] Fei Wang, Mengfu Pei, Ling Qiu, Yiqing Yao, Hong Qiang* Performance of Anaerobic Digestion of Chicken Manure Under Gradually Elevated Organic Loading Rates., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019:16: 1-17.
[3] Hong Qiang, Dong-Li Lang, YuYou-Li*, High-solid mesophilic methane fermentation of food waste with an emphasis on Ferric, Cobalt, Nickel requirment., Bioresoure Technology 2012;103:21-27.
[4] Hong Qiang, YuYou-Li*, Trace metals requirements for continuous thermophilic methane fermentation of high-solid food waste., Chemical Engineering Journal. 2013; 222(15): 330-336.
[5] Hong Qiang, Dong-Li Lang, Yu-You Li*. Minimum Requirments for Trace Metals in Mesophilic Anaerobic Digester from Foodwaste. In proceedings of the 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, 2011, Tokyou, Japan, Oral Presentation.
[6] Hong Qiang , Yu-You Li*. High-solid thermophilic methane fermentation of food waste with an emphasis on Iron, Cobalt, Nickel requirements. In proceedings of the 7th international Conference on Environmental Anaerobic Technologies and Bioenergy-Accommodation, 2011, 109-119, Tianjin, China, Oral Presentation.
[7] L.X.ZHANG, H. QIANG, S.Q. LI, and X.L. CHEN, Effects of enhanced atmospheric ammonia on photosynthetic characteristics of two maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars with various nitrogen supply across long-term growth period and their diurnal change patterns, Photosynthetica, 2010,48(3), 389-399
[8] L.X. ZHANG, H. QIANG, S.Q. LI, X.L. CHEN, Impact of atmospheric ammonia on growth, C and N accumulation and photosynthesis of two maize cultivars with different N root supply, Plant soil and environment, 2011,57(1), 11-18
[9] Qigui Niu , Wei Qiao , Hong Qiang , Toshimasa Hojo , Yu-You Li, Mesophilic methane fermentation of chicken manure at a wide range of ammonia concentration: Stability, inhibition and recovery., Bioresoure Technology 2013;137:358-367.
[10] Qigui Niu, Wei Qiao, Hong Qiang, Yu-You Li, Microbial community shifts and biogas conversion computation during steady, inhibited and recovered stages of thermophilic methane fermentation on chicken manure with a wide variation of ammonia., Bioresoure Technology 2013;146:223-233.
[11] Yong-Zhi Chi, Yu-You Li*, Min Ji, Hong Qiang, Heng-Wei Deng and Ya-Peng Wu, Mesophilic and thermophilic digestion of thickened waste activated sludge: A comparative study., Advanced materials research. 2010;113-114:450-458.
[12] 強虹, 渡邉亮哉, 李玉友*, 食品廃棄物の中温高濃度メタン発酵における微量金属の影響およびその添加必要性の評価, 用水と排水, 54(3), 64-71, 2012.
1. “JSWE-IDEA Water Environment International Exchange Award”, IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, Tokyou, Japan, 10/2011.
2. “Presentation Excellence Awards”, The 7th international Conference on Environmental Anaerobic Technologies and Bioenergy-Accommodation, Tianjin, China, 11/2011.
3. The Third China Innovation Challenge (Ning Xia) “excellence award”, 2018, 12