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      发布日期:2021-09-17    浏览次数:













1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“气候变化下黄土高原潜在植被群落时空演变研究”(2021-2024);

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:“基于动态植被模型的延河流域潜在植被分布及生境适宜度研究”(2017-2019);

3. 科技部重大专项:“青藏高原典型区耕地利用强度变化研究”(2019-2022),子课题主持;

4. 中国科学院西部之光“青年学者B类”项目:“黄土高原地区潜在自然植被的模拟研究”(2016-2018);

5. 中国工程院院地合作项目:“黄河流域(宁南山区)水土保持与生态环境建设战略研究”(2020),课题主持;

6. 宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划项目:“宁夏黄土丘陵区小流域生态综合治理与高质量发展技术集成与示范”(2020-2023),子课题主持;

7. 教育部博士启动基金:“黄土高原地区潜在自然植被分布格局及其生产力的模拟研究”(2015-2018);

8. 西北农林科技大学基本科研业务费专项:“陕西省典型森林生产力动态及对未来气候变化响应”(2017-2019);

9. 陕西省水利厅:“陕西省水土保持本底调查与评估利用-陕西省高分辨率植被类型解译及地形因子计算” (2018)。


1. Han QG, Ding YX, Peng SZ*. Sustainable and cost-effective vegetation restoration framework under climate change.  Forest Ecology and Management , 2021, 496, 119436. (一区top,3.558)

2. Ding YX, Peng SZ*. Spatiotemporal change and attribution of potential evapotranspiration over China from 1901 to 2100.  Theoretical and Applied Climatology , 2021, 145, 79–94. (三区,3.179)

3. Ding YX, Li Z, Peng SZ*.Global analysis of time-lag and -accumulation effects of climate on vegetation growth.  International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation , 2020, 92, 102179. (一区top,5.933)

4. Ding YX, Peng SZ*. Spatiotemporal trend and attribution of drought across China from 1901-2100.  Sustainability , 2020, 12(2), 477. (SSCI二区,3.251)

5. Peng SZ, Ding YX, Liu WZ*, Li Z*. 1 km monthly temperature and precipitation dataset for China from 1901 to 2017.  Earth System Science Data , 2019, 11, 1931–1946. (一区top,11.333)

6. Ding YX, Liang SQ*, Peng SZ*. Climate change affects forest productivity in a typical climate transition region of China.  Sustainability , 2019, 11(10), 2856. (SSCI二区,3.251)

7. Zhang C, Li J, Wang J, Liu GB, Wang GL, Guo L, Peng SZ*. Decreased temporary turnover of bacterial communities along soil depth gradient during a 35-year grazing exclusion period in a semiarid grassland.  Geoderma , 2019, 351, 49–58. (一区top,6.114)

8. Peng SZ, Yu KL, Li Z, Wen ZM, Zhang C*. Integrating potential natural vegetation and habitat suitability into revegetation programs for sustainable ecosystems under future climate change.  Agricultural and Forest Meteorology , 2019, 269-270: 270–284. (一区,5.734)

9. Peng SZ, Li Z*. Incorporation of potential natural vegetation into revegetation programmes for sustainable land management.  Land Degradation and Development , 2018, 29(10): 3503–3511. (一区top,4.977)

10. Peng SZ, Li Z*. Potential land use adjustment for future climate change adaptation in revegetated regions.  Science of the Total Environment , 2018, 639, 476–484. (一区top,7.963)

11. Peng SZ, Gang CC, Cao Y, Chen YM*. Assessment of climate change trends over the Loess Plateau in China from 1901 to 2100.  International Journal of Climatology , 2018, 38, 2250–2264. (二区,4.069)

12. Peng SZ, Ding YX, Wen ZM, Chen YM*, Cao Y, Ren JY. Spatiotemporal change and trend analysis of potential evapotranspiration over the Loess Plateau of China during 2011–2100.  Agricultural and Forest Meteorology , 2017, 233: 183–194. (一区top,5.734)

13. Peng SZ*, Zhao CY, Chen YM, Xu ZL. Simulating the productivity of a subalpine forest at high elevations under representative concentration pathway scenarios in the Qilian Mountains of northwest China.  Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research , 2017, 32(2): 166–173. (三区,2.103)

14. Peng SZ, Zhao CY*, Xu ZL, Muhammad WA. Restoration and conservation potential of destroyed Qinghai spruce ( Picea crassifolia ) forests in the Qilian Mountains of northwest China.  Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change , 2016, 21(2): 153–165. (三区,3.583)

15. Peng SZ, Chen YM, Cao Y*. Simulating water-use efficiency of  Picea crassifolia  forest under representative concentration pathway scenarios in the Qilian Mountains of Northwest China.  Forests , 2016, 7(7): 140. (二区,2.633)

16. Peng SZ, Zhao CY*, Xu ZL. Modeling stem volume growth of Qinghai spruce ( Picea crassifolia  Kom.) in Qilian Mountains of Northwest China.  Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research , 2015, 30(5): 449–457. (三区,2.103)

17. Peng SZ, Zhao CY*, Xu ZL. Modeling spatiotemporal patterns of understory light intensity using airborne laser scanner (LiDAR).  ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing , 2014, 97: 195–203. (一区top,8.979)

18. Peng SZ, Zhao CY*, Wang XP, Xu ZL, Liu XM, Hao H, Yang SF. Mapping daily temperature and precipitation in the Qilian Mountains of northwest China.  Journal of Mountain Science , 2014, 11(4): 896–905. (四区,2.071)

19. Peng SZ, Zhao CY*, Zheng XL. Study on the relationship between human activities and spatial distribution changes of  Tamarix  in Ejina oasis.  IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS  ) , 2010, 895-898. (EI)

20. 师玉锋, 彭守璋*. 2018-2100年黄土高原地区干旱的时空变化. 兰州大学学报(自然科学版). 2020,56(06), 785–792.

21. 师玉锋, 梁思琦, 彭守璋*. 1901-2017年黄土高原地区气候干旱的时空变化.  水土保持通报 , 2020, 40(1): 283–289.

22. 任婧宇, 赵俊侠, 马红斌, 彭守璋*, 李炳垠. 未来时期黄土高原四季气候变化的时空分布特征.  水土保持通报 , 2019, 39(5): 262–271.

23. 梁思琦, 彭守璋, 陈云明*. 陕西省典型天然次生林和人工林生产力对气候变化的响应.  应用生态学报 , 2019, 30(9): 2892–2902.

24. 任婧宇, 彭守璋, 曹扬, 霍晓英, 陈云明*. 1901-2014年黄土高原区域气候变化时空分布特征.  自然资源学报 , 2018, 33(4): 621–633.

25. 霍晓英, 彭守璋, 任婧宇, 曹扬, 陈云明*. 陕西省油松林生产力动态及对未来气候变化的响应.  应用生态学报 , 2018, 29(2): 412–420.

26. 彭守璋, 赵传燕*, 许仲林, 王超, 柳逸月, 黑河上游祁连山区青海云杉生长状况及其潜在分布区的模拟.  植物生态学报 , 2011, 35(6): 605–614.

27. 彭守璋, 赵传燕*, 郑祥霖, 许仲林, 何磊, 祁连山青海云杉林生物量和碳储量空间分布特征.  应用生态学报 , 2011, 22(7): 1689–1694.

28. 彭守璋, 赵传燕*, 别强, 基于遥感的祖厉河流域土地分类及其分布空间分析.  遥感技术与应用 , 2010, 25(3): 366–372.

29. 彭守璋, 赵传燕*, 彭焕华, 郑祥霖, 许仲林, 黑河下游柽柳种群地上生物量及耗水量的空间分布.  应用生态学报 , 2010, 21(8): 1940–1946.


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