2018.06月至今 西北农林科技大学资源环境学院, 副教授
2018. 03-2018.08 香港浸会大学,生物系,访问学者
2013.09-2018.07 西北农林科技大学,环境工程,博士(硕博连读)
2009.09-2013.07 西北农林科技大学,环境科学,学士
担任国际期刊《Science of The Total Environment》、《International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health》和《Water Emerging Contaminants & Nanoplastics》编委及《Results In Engineering》青年编委。
[1] Wang, Z., Ding, Y., Ren, X., Xie, J., Sunil, K., Zhang, Z, Q., Wang, Q*.,2022. Effect of micronutrient selenium on greenhouse gas emissions and related functional genes during goat manure composting. Bioresource Technology,349,126805.
[2] Zhou, Y., Sun, Y., Liu, J., Ren, X., Zhang, Z.Q., Wang, Q*., 2022. Effects of microplastics on humification and fungal community during cow manure composting. Science of the Total Environment. 803,150029.
[3] Sun, Yue., Ren, X., Eldon.E.Rene., Wang, Z., Zhou, L., Zhang, Z.Q., Wang, Q*., 2021. The degradation performance of different microplastics and their effect on microbial community during composting process. Bioresource Technology, 323,125133.
[4] Wang, Q., Shaheen, M.S., Jiang, Y., Li, R., Slany, M., Abdelrahman, H., Kwon, Eilhann, K., Bolan, N., Rinklebe, J., Zhang, Z.Q*., 2021. Fe/Mn-and P-modified drinking water treatment residuals reduced Cu and Pb phytoavailability and uptake in a mining soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 403, 123628 (热点论文).
[5] Wang, Q., Ren, X., Sun, Y., Zhao, J., Awasthi, M., Liu, T., Li, R., Zhang, Z.Q*., 2021. Improvement of the composition and humification of different animal manures by black soldier fly bioconversion. Journal of Cleaner Production. 278, 123397.
[6] Sun, Yue., Ren, X., Pan, J., Zhang, Z.Q., Tsui, T., Luo, L., Wang, Q*., 2020. Effect of microplastics on greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions during aerobic composting. Science of the Total Environment. 737, 139856.
[7] Ren, X., Sun, Y., Wang, Z., Damià, B., Wang, Q*., Zhang, Z.Q*., 2020. Abundance and characteristics of microplastic in sewage sludge: A case study of Yangling, Shaanxi province, China. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering. 2, 100050.
[8] Wang, Q., Awasthi, M. K., Zhao, J. C., Ren, X. N., Wang, M. J., Li, R. H., Wang, Z., Zhang, Z. Q*., 2018. Utilization of medical stone to improve the composition and quality of dissolved organic matter in composted pig manure. Journal of Cleaner Production. 197, 472-478.
[9] Wang, Q., Awasthi, M. K., Zhao, J. C., Ren, X. N., Li, R. H., Wang, Z., Wang, M. J., Chen, H. Y., Zhang, Z. Q*., 2018. Combining biochar, zeolite and wood vinegar for composting of pig manure: the effect on greenhouse gas emission and nitrogen conservation. Waste Management. 74, 221-230.
[10] Wang, Q., Awasthi, M. K., Ren, X. N., Zhao, J. C., Li, R. H., Wang, Z., Chen, H. Y., Wang, M. J., Zhang, Z. Q*., 2017. Comparison of biochar, zeolite and their mixture amendment for aiding organic matter transformation and nitrogen conservation during pig manure composting. Bioresource Technology. 245, 300-308.
[11] Wang, Q., Awasthi, M. K., Ren, X. N., Zhao, J. C., Li, R. H., Shen, F., Zhang, Z. Q*., 2017. Effect of calcium bentonite on Zn and Cu mobility and their accumulation in vegetable growth in soil amended with compost during consecutive planting. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24, 15645-15654.
[12] Wang, Q., Awasthi, M. K., Zhao, J. C., Ren, X. N., Li, R. H., Wang, Z., Wang, M. J., Zhang, Z. Q*., 2017. Improvement of pig manure compost lignocellulose degradation, organic matter humification and compost quality with medical stone. Bioresource Technology. 243, 771-777.
[13] Wang, Q., Wang, Z., Awasthi, M. K., Jiang, Y. H., Li, R. H., Ren, X. N., Zhao, J. C., Shen, F., Wang, M. J., Zhang, Z. Q*., 2016. Evaluation of medical stone amendment for the reduction of nitrogen loss and bioavailability of heavy metals during pig manure composting. Bioresource Technology 220, 297-304.(高被引)
[14] Wang, Q., Li, R. H., Cai, H. Z., Awasthi, M. K., Zhang, Z. Q*., Wang, J. J., Ali, A., Amanullah, M., 2016. Improving pig manure composting efficiency employing Ca-bentonite. Ecological Engineering. 87, 157-161.(高被引)
[15] Ren, X., Wang, Q., Chen, X., Zhang, Y., Sun, Y., Li, R., Li, J., Zhang, Z*. 2021. Elucidating the optimum added dosage of Diatomite during co-composting of pig manure and sawdust: carbon dynamics and microbial community. Science of the total environment, 777, 146058.
[16] Ren, X., Wang, Q., Chen, X., He, Y., Li, R., Li, J., Zhang, Z*. 2021. Pathways and mechanisms of nitrogen transformation during co-composting of pig manure and Diatomite. Bioresource Technology, 329, 124914.
[17] Ren, X., Wang, Q., Li, R., Chang, C., Pan, J., Zhang, Z.Q*., 2020. Effect of clay on greenhouse gas emissions and humification during pig manure composting as supported by spectroscopic evidence. Science of the Total Environment. 737, 139712.
[18] Ren, X., Wang, Q., Awasthi, M., He, Y., Li, R., Zhang, Z.Q.,*2020. Improvement of humification and mechanism of nitrogen transformation during pig manure composting with Black Tourmaline. Bioresocue Technology, 307, 123236.
[19] Ren, X., Wang, Q., Zhang, Y., Li, R., Pan, J., Zhang, Z.Q*., 2020. Enhancing composition and heavy metals combined with humic substances by adding black tourmaline during composting. Microchemical Journal. 159, 105356.
[20] Ren, X., Wang, Q., Zhang, Y., Awasthi, M K., He, Y., Li, R., Zhang, Z*. 2020. Improvement of humification and mechanism of nitrogen transformation during pig manure composting with Black Tourmaline. Bioresource Technology, 307, 123236.
[21] Ren, X., Wang, Q., Awasthi, M., Zhao, J., Tu, Z., Li, R., Wen, L., Zhang, Z.Q.,*2019. Effect of tertiary-amine bentonite on carbon transformation and global warming potential during chicken manure composting. Journal of Cleaner Production. 237, 117818.
[22] Awasthi, M.K., Wang, Q., Awasthi, K.S., Li, R., Zhao, J., Ren, X., Wang, M., Chen, H., Zhang, Z.Q., 2018. Feasibility of medical stone amendment for sewage sludge co-composting and production of nutrient-rich compost. J.Enviro. Manag. 216,49-61.
[23] Awasthi, M.K., Wang, Q., Chen, H., Awasthi, S.K., Wang, M., Ren, X., Zhao, J., Zhang, Z*., 2018. Beneficial effect of mixture of additives amendment on enzymatic activities, organic matter degradation and humification during biosolids co-composting. Bioresource Technology. 247, 138-146.
[24] Awasthi, M.K., Wang, Q., Chen, H., Wang, M., Ren, X., Zhao, J., Li, J., Guo, D., Li, D., Awasthi, S.K., Sun, X., Zhang, Z*., 2017. Evaluation of biochar amended biosolids co-composting to improve the nutrient transformation and its correlation as a function for the production of nutrient-rich compost. Bioresource Technology. 237, 156-166.
[25] Awasthi, M.K., Wang, Q., Ren, X., Junchao Zhao, Huang, H., Awasthi, S.K., Lahori, A. H., Li, R., Zhang, Z*., 2016. Role of biochar amendment in mitigation of nitrogen loss and greenhouse gas emission during sewage sludge composting. Bioresource Technology. 219, 270–280
[26] Li, R. H., Wang, Q., Zhang, Z. Q*., Zhang, G. J., Li, Z. H., Wang, L., Zheng, J. Z., 2015. Nutrient transformation during aerobic composting of pig manure with biochar prepared at different temperatures. Environmental Technology. 36, 815-826.
[27] Wang, Z., Wang, Q., Li, R. H., Zhang, Z. Q*., 2015. Nitrate-Contaminated Water Remediation Supported by Solid Organic Carbon and ZVI-Combined System. Water Air and Soil Pollution. 226, 3.
[28] Awasthi, M.K., Wang, Q., Wang, M., Chen, H., Awasthi, S.K., Rena, X., Li, R., Zhang, Z*., 2017. In-vessel co-composting of biowaste: Focusing on mitigation of greenhouse gases emissions and production of nutrient rich compost. Renewable Energy. 129,814-823.
[29] Ma, F., Du, H.T., Wang, Q., Li, R. H., Zhang, Z. Q*., 2015. Preparation of Pyridinium-Functionalized Magnetic Adsorbent and Its Application for Nitrate Removal from Aqueous Solution. Water Air and Soil Pollution. 226, 7.
[30] Li, R.H., Wang, J.J., Gaston, L.A., Zhou, B., Li, M.L., Xiao, R., Wang, Q., Zhang, Z.Q., Huang, H., Liang, W., Huang, H., Zhang, X., 2018. An overview of carbothermal synthesis of metalebiochar composites for the removal of oxyanion contaminants from aqueous solution. Carbon. 129, 674-687.
[31] Li, R. H., Zhang, G. J., Zhang, Z. Q*., Wang, Q., Sun, X. N., 2014. Improving pig manure and rice husk compost technology and quality by wood charcoal addition. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (In Chinese). 30, 230-238. (EI).
[32] Han-zhen, Cai., Xi-cui, Nin., Wang, Q., Zhang, Z., Ren, Z., Li, R*., Wang, M., Awasthi, M.K., 2016. Effect of Alkali Solids Amendments on Sewage sludge Aerobic composting and the potential of related products on infertile soil amelioration. Environmental Science (in Chinese). 37(12), 394-402. (EI)
[33] Mao, H., Zhang, T., Li, R*., Zhai, B., Wang, Z., Wang, Q., Zhang, Z., 2017. Apple pomace improves the quality of pig manure aerobic compost by reducing emissions of NH3 and N2O. Scientific Reports. 7, 870.
[34] 彭丽, 孙勃岩, 王权,等. 陕西杨凌规模化养殖场饲料及粪便中养分和重金属含量分析[J]. 西北农林科技大学学报:自然科学版, 2017, 045(005):123-129,138.
[35] 李荣华, 张广杰, 王权,等. 添加矿物质对猪粪好氧堆肥中有机物降解的影响[J]. 农业机械学报, 2014, 45(6):190-198.
[36] 李荣华, 张广杰, 张增强,王权等. 添加木炭改善猪粪稻壳好氧堆肥工艺及质量[J]. 农业工程学报, 2014, 30(16):230-238.
1. 国家自然基金项目“生物炭辅助污泥好氧堆肥过程中微塑料降解特性及机制研究”(2021.01-2023.12)主持
2. 陕西省重点研发项目“陕北果木枝条和羊粪资源高效利用关键技术研究”(2020.01-2021.01) 主持;
3. 中国博士后基金面上项目“污泥和生物炭混合堆肥过程中微塑料降解特性的研究”(2019.6-2021.6)主持;
4. 陕西省高校科协青年托举人才计划“生物炭对沼渣好氧堆肥养分转化和重金属钝化的影响研究”(2021.01-2022.01)主持;
5. 企业服务项目“畜禽粪便高效堆肥化处理”(2019.05-2020.05)主持;
6. 科技部“十三五”重点专项资金项目“农业废弃物好氧发酵技术与智能控制设备研发”课题“北方农业废弃物好氧发酵技术示范与工程化应用” (2016YFD0800606);(2016.1-2020.12)参与。
1. 2019年,荣获生态环境部环境保护科学技术奖二等奖(8/9)
2. 2021年,入选Elesver 环境领域World Top 2% 科学家
3. 2021年,入选西北农林科技大学“优秀教学团队”(团队成员)
4. 2021年,入选西北农林科技大学“优秀导师团队”(团队成员)
E-mail:quanwang_1990@163.com; quanwang_1990@nwsuaf.edu.cn;
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