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2020.01 至今  教 授,西北农林科技大学资源环境学院

2015.01—2019.12  副教授,西北农林科技大学资源环境学院

2005.07—2014.12  讲 师,西北农林科技大学资源环境学院

2001.06—2005.06  助 教,西北农林科技大学资源环境学院

2009.06—2010.06  澳大利亚阿德莱德大学,访问学者

2007.09—2013.12  西北农林科技大学农业环境保护与食品安全博士,获农学博士学位

2001.09—2005.07  西北农林科技大学土壤学硕士,获农学硕士学位

1995.09—1999.07  南京理工大学环境工程专业,获工学学士学位
















1. Zhiyuan Lv, Hongda Sun, Wei Du, Ruoyi Li, Hui Mao*, Peter M. Kopittke. Interaction of different-sized ZnO nanoparticles with maize ( Zea mays ): Accumulation, biotransformation and phytotoxicity. Sci. Total Environ, 2021, 796, 148927.

2. Shudan Xue, Lina Zhou, Minzheng Zhong, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Hui Mao*.Bacterial agents affected bacterial community structure to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions during sewage sludge composting. Bioresource Technol, 2021, 337, 125397

3. Hongda Sun, Wei Du, Qingqing Peng, Zhiyuan Lv, Hui Mao*, Peter M. Kopittke. Development of ZnO nanoparticles as an efficient Zn fertilizer: Using synchrotron-based techniques and laser ablation to examine elemental distribution in wheat grain. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68, 5068-5075.

4. Hui Mao, Haoyue Zhang, Qian Fu, Minzheng Zhong, Ronghua Li, Bingnian Zhai, Zhaohui Wang, Lina Zhou*. Effects of four additives in pig manure composting on greenhouse gas emission reduction and bacterial community change. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 292, 121896.

5. Wei Du, Jingya Yang, Qingqing Peng, Xiaoping Liang, Hui Mao*. Comparison study of zinc nanoparticles and zinc sulphate on wheat growth: From toxicity and zinc biofortification. Chemosphere, 2019,227, 109-116.

6. Teng Zhang, Hongda Sun, Zhiyuan Lv, Lili Cui, Hui Mao*, Peter M. Kopittke. Using synchrotron-based approaches to examine the foliar application of ZnSO4 and ZnO nanoparticles for field-grown winter wheat. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66, 2572-2579.

7. Hui Mao, Zhiyuan Lv, Hongda Sun, Ronghua Li, Bingnian Zhai, Zhaohui Wang, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Quan Wang, Lina Zhou. Improvement of biochar and bacterial powder addition on gaseous emission and bacterial community in pig manure compost. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 258, 195-202.

8. Hui Mao, Teng Zhang, Ronghua Li*, et al. Apple pomace improves the quality of pig manure aerobic compost by reducing emissions of NH3 and N2O. Scientific Reports, 2017(7), DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-00987-y.

9. Lina Zhou, Mengjie Xia, Li Wang, Hui Mao, Toxic effect of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) on germination and seedling growth of wheat ( Triticum aestivum  L.), Chemosphere, 2016, 159, 420-425.

10. Hui Mao, Teng Zhang, Zhaohui Wang*, Menghua Li. Improvement of Zn and Fe concentrations in maize grains as influenced by Zn application in loess plateau. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2016, 25(6), 2145-2153.

11. Hui Mao, Jianwei Wang, Zhaohui Wang*, Yaling Zan, Graham Lyons, Chunqin Zou. Using agronomic biofortification to boost zinc, selenium, and iodine concentrations of food crops grown on the loess plateau in China. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2014, 2, 459-470.

12. Hui Mao, Zhaohui Wang and Graham Lyons*. Germination-enhancing and zinc-sparing roles for selenium in broccoli. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09064710.2014.978884.

13. Hui Mao, Jianwei Wang, Yaling Zan, Hubing Zhao And Zhaohui Wang. Mineral nutritional quality of grains improved by soil application of Se and Zn in Loess Plateau of China. Research on Crops, 2013,14 (4), 1062-1072.

14. Wang Jian Wei, Mao Hui, Zhao Hu Bing, Huang Dong Lin, Wang Zhao Hui. Different increases in maize and wheat grain zinc concentrations caused by soil and foliar applications of zinc in Loess Plateau, China. Field Crops Research, 2012,135, 89-96.

15. Wang J, Wang Z, Mao H, Zhao H, Huang D. Increasing Se concentration in maize grain with soil-or foliar-applied selenite on the Loess Plateau in China. Field Crops Research, 2013, 150, 83-90.

16. 孙宏达,钟民正,张腾,翟丙年,王朝辉,毛晖*.黄土高原潜在缺锌区施用ZnO NPs 对冬小麦生长及籽粒品质的影响[J].农业环境科学学报, 2019, 9, 2041-2048.

17. 张腾,崔利利,刘燕妮,马臣,李顺莉,毛晖*,王朝辉.施用纳米氧化锌对小麦籽粒锌含量和锌利用率的影响[J].干旱地区农业研究, 2018, 36(4), 7-13.

18. 毛晖,李荣华,黄懿梅,王朝辉. 添加剂对猪粪好氧堆肥过程锌和铜形态的影响[J].农业机械学报, 2013, 44 (10): 164-171,202.


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