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张雪辰,女,1992年生,河北唐山人,博士,副教授。担任Land Degradation & Development副编辑和专刊客座编辑。
















1. Li, Y1., Zhang, X1., Yang, N., Hao, H., Bilyera, N., Zhang, X., Li, T., Yue, S., Zhai, B., Zamanian, K., Li, Z.*, Razavi, B.S. Long-term straw and plastic film mulching have divergent effects on maize rhizosphere enzyme activity and bacterial community structure. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2024, 364, 108894

2. Zhang, X.*, Bilyera, N., Fan L., Duddek P., Ahmed M.A., Carminati A., Kaestner A., Dippold, M.A., Spielvogel, S., Razavi, B.S. The spatial distribution of rhizosphere microbial activities under drought: water availability is more important than root‐hair controlled exudation. New Phytologist, 2023, 237, 780-792.

3. Zhang, X., Myrold, D.D., Shi, L.L., Kuzyakov, Y., Dai, H.C., Hoang, D.T.T., Dippold, M.A., Meng, X.T., Song, X.N., Li, Z.Y., Zhou, J., Razavi, B.S., 2021. Resistance of microbial community and its functional sensitivity in the rhizosphere hotspots to drought. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 161, 108360.

4. Zhang, X., Kuzyakov, Y., Zang, H.D., Dippold, M.A., Shi, L.L., Spielvogel, S., Razavi, B.S., 2020. Rhizosphere hotspots: Root hairs and warming control microbial efficiency, carbon utilization and energy production. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 148, 107872.

5. Zhang, X.*, Dippold, M.A., Kuzyakov, Y., Razavi, B.S., 2019. Spatial pattern of enzyme activities depends on root exudate composition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 133, 83-93.

6. Zhang, X., Razavi, B.S., Liu, J.X., Zhang, X.C., Li, Z.Y., Zhai, B.N., Wang, Z.H., Zamanian, K., 2020. Croplands conversion to cash crops in dry regions: consequences of nitrogen losses and decreasing nitrogen use efficiency for the food chain system. Land Degradation & Development. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3680.

7. Zhu, N., Zhang, X. *, Yang, S., Li, C., Qiao, J., Tang, J. *, 2021. Photic biofilms mediated distant nitrate reduction at soil-water interface of paddy fields. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 5, 1163-1171.

8. Liu, G., Zhang, X., Wang, X., Shao, H., Yang, J., Wang, X., 2017. Soil enzymes as indicators of saline soil fertility under various soil amendments. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 237, 274-279.

9. Yu, H., Zhang, X., Meng, X., Luo, D., Yue, Z., Li, Y., Yu, Y., Yao, H., 2023. Comparing the variations and influencing factors of CH4 emissions from paddies and wetlands under CO2 enrichment: A data synthesis in the last three decades. Environmental Research 228, 115842.

10. Yu, H., Han, X., Zhang, X., Meng, X., Yue, Z., Liu, X., Zheng N., Li, Y., Yu, Y., Yao, H., 2023. Fertilizer-induced N2O and NO emissions in tea gardens and the main controlling factors: A recent three-decade data synthesis. Science of the Total Environment 871, 162054.

11. Yu, H., Zhang, X., Shen, W., Yao, H., Meng, X., Zeng, J., Zhang, G., Zamanian, K., 2023. A meta-analysis of ecological functions and economic benefits of co-culture models in paddy fields. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 341, 108195.

12. Zheng, W., Feng, G., Liang, K., Wang, T., Lv, F., Zhang, X., Li, Z., Zhai, B., 2023. SOC mediates the contribution of generalists and specialists to changes in soil nirK bacterial diversity: Evidence from apple orchards in main production areas of China. Applied Soil Ecology 182, 104713.

13. Yang, R., Yang, Z., Yang, S., Chen, L., Xin, J., Xu, L., Zhang, X., Zhai, B., Wang, Z., Zheng, W., Li, Z., 2023. Nitrogen inhibitors improve soil ecosystem multifunctionality by enhancing soil quality and alleviating microbial nitrogen limitation. Science of the Total Environment 880, 163238.

14. Yang, R., Yang, S., Chen L., Yang, Z., Xu L., Zhang, X., Liu, G., Zhang, X., Jiao, C., Bai, R., Zhang, X., Zhai, B., Wang, Z., Zheng, W., Li, Z., Zamanian, K., 2023. Effect of vegetation restoration on soil erosion control and soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics: A meta-analysis. Soil & Tillage Research 230, 105705.

15. Liu, J., Zhu, K., Zhang, C., Zhang, X., Chen, N., Jia, H., 2022. Microscale Spatiotemporal Variation and Generation Mechanisms of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Rhizosphere of Ryegrass: Coupled Biotic−Abiotic Processes. Environmental Science & Technology 56, 16483−16493.

16. Wang, C., Bilyera, N., Blagodatskaya, W., Zhang, X., Dippold, M.A., Dorodnikov, M., 2022. Keep oxygen in check: An improved in-situ zymography approach for mapping anoxic hydrolytic enzyme activities in a paddy soil. Science of the Total Environment 850, 158118.

17. Liu, J., Li, Y., Zheng, Y., Tong, S., Zhang, X., Zhao, Y., Zheng, W., Zhai, B., Wang, Z., Zhang, X., Li, Zi., Zamanian, K., 2022. The spatial and temporal distribution of nitrogen flow in the agricultural system and green development assessment of the Yellow River Basin. Agricultural Water Management 263, 107425.

18. Bilyera, N., Hummel, C., Daudin, G., Santangeli, M., Zhang, X., et al., 2022. Co-localised phosphorus mobilization processes in the rhizosphere of field-grown maize jointly contribute to plant nutrition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 165, 108497.

19. Bilyera, N., Zhang, X., Duddek, P., Fan, L.C., Banfield, C.C., Schlüter, S., Carminati, A., Kaestner, A., Ahmed, M.A., Kuzyakov, Y., Dippold, M.A., Spielvogel, S., Razavi, B.S., 2021. Maize genotype-specific exudation strategies: An adaptive mechanism to increase microbial activity in the rhizosphere. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 162, 108426.

20. Yu, P., He, X., Baer, M., Beirinckx, S., Tian, T., Moya, Y.A.T., Zhang, X., Deichmann, M., Frey, F.P., Bresgen, V., Li, C., Razavi, B.S., Schaaf, G., von Wirén, N., Su, Z., Bucher, M., Tsuda, K., Goormachtig, S., Chen, X., Hochholdinger, F., 2021. Plant flavones enrich rhizosphere Oxalobacteraceae to improve maize performance under nitrogen deprivation. Nature Plants 7, 481-499.

21. Meng, X., Liao, H., Fan, H., Zhang, X., Li, Y., Yao, H., Razavi, B.S., 2021. The geographical scale dependence of diazotroph assembly and activity: Effect of a decade fertilization. Geoderma 386, 114923.

22. Ma, Z., Zhang, X., Zheng, B., Yue, S., Zhang, X., Zhai, B., Wang, Z., Li, Z., Zamanian, K., Razavi, B.S., 2021. Effects of plastic and straw mulching on soil microbial P limitations in maize fields: dependency on soil organic carbon demonstrated by ecoenzymatic stoichiometry. Geoderma 388, 114928.

23. Greenfield, L.M., Razavi, B.S., Bilyera, N., Zhang, X., Jones, D.L., 2021. Root hairs and protein addition to soil promote leucine aminopeptidase activity of Hordeum vulgare L., Rhizosphere 18, 100329.

24. Tian, P., Razavi, B.S., Zhang, X., Wang, Q., Blagodatskaya, E., 2020. Microbial growth and enzyme kinetics in rhizosphere hotspots are modulated by soil organics and nutrient availability. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 141, 107662.

25. Li, Z., Sun, X., Huang, Z., Zhang, X., Wang, Z., Li, S., Zheng, W., Zhai, B., 2020. Changes in nutrient balance, environmental effects, and green development after returning farmland to forests: A case study in Ningxia, China. Science of The Total Environment 735, 139370.

26. Razavi, B.S., Zhang, X., Bilyera, N., Guber, A., Zarebanadkouki, M., 2019. Soil zymography: Simple and reliable? Review of current knowledge and optimization of the method. Rhizosphere 11, 100161.

27. Liu, G., Li, J., Zhang, X., Wang, X., Lv, Z., Yang, J., Shao, H., Yu, S., 2016. GIS mapping spatial distribution of soil salinity for Eco-restoring the Yellow River Delta in combination with Electromagnetic Induction. Ecological Engineering 94, 306–314.

28. 黄冬琳,同斯捷,岳良,李彦,张雪辰,郑伟,王朝辉,张绪成,翟丙年,李紫燕, 2022. 原位酶谱技术分析旱地长期覆盖下根际酶活性空间分布. 农业工程学报 38 (5), 123-130.

29. 杨睿哲,杨世龙,翁希哲,徐灵颖,刘雪健,杜运田,张雪辰,郑伟,翟丙年,王朝辉,李紫燕,2022.水蚀环境植被恢复对土壤有机碳固存和团聚体稳定的影响:Meta 分析. DOI: 10.13227/j.hjkx.202205287

30. 张雪辰,陈诚,苏里坦,王秀萍,刘广明,杨劲松,2017. 聚丙烯酰胺改良盐渍土壤的适宜用量研究. 土壤 49 (6), 1216-1220.

31. 张雪辰,陈诚,张密密,刘广明,王秀萍,杨劲松,2017. 不同改良措施下盐渍土壤的改良效果. 灌溉排水学报 36 (Supp. 1), 61-65, 84.


个人主页:Researchgate (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xuechen-Zhang-2)


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