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梁旭军,男,青年教授、博士生导师。主要从事有机污染物和重金属污染水体和土壤的修复与评估、重金属元素生物地球化学循环及其与碳硫循环的耦合关系等方面的研究。近年来在 Nature Water The ISME Journal Environmental Science & Technology 等期刊发表论文50余篇。主持国家自然科学基金1项、博士后面上项目1项,福建省自然科学基金青创项目1项,参与科技部“863”项目2项、美国自然科学基金面上项目1项、美国能源部重点项目1项、广东省珠江新星项目1项等。担任 Carbon Research Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances Frontiers in Environmental Sciences 青年编委或客座编辑。


2023.10-至今 青年教授      西北农林科技大学资源环境学院

2021.01-2023.09   副教授     泉州师范学院资源与环境科学学院

2020.07-2020.09   博士后   密西根大学

2018.03-2020.09   博士后   橡树岭国家实验室

2017.04-2020.12   博士后    暨南大学  


2010.09-2017.03   硕博连读   华南理工大学

2014.10-2016.10   联培博士   法国原子能委员会  

2006.09-2010.07    本科          集美大学        


环境生物地球化学; 水土污染控制与治理


1. X.J. Liang#, H. Zhong#, A. Johs#, P. Lei#, J. Zhang, N. Taş, L.J. Zhang, L.D Zhao, N.L. Zhu, X.X. Yin, L.H. Wang, E.Y Zeng, Y.X. Gao, J.T. Zhao*, D.A. Pelletier, E.M. Pierce, B.H. Gu*. (2023). Light-independent phytoplankton degradation and detoxification of methylmercury in water.  Nature   Water , 1: 705-715.

2. X.J. Liang, A. Johs, M.J. Abernathyd, J.T. Zhao, H.X. Du, P.J. Ku, L.J. Zhang, N.L. Zhu, X.P. Yin, S. Brooks, R. Sarangid, E.M. Pierce, B.H. Gu*. (2023). High methylation potential of mercury with mixed thiolate ligands by  Geobacter sulfurreducens  PCA.  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,  34274-83.

3. X.J. Liang, N.L. Zhu, A. Johs, H.M. Chen, D.A. Pelletier, L.J. Zhang, X.X. Yin, Y.X. Gao, J.T. Zhao*, B.H. Gu. (2022). Mercury reduction, uptake, and species transformation by freshwater alga  Chlorella vulgaris  under sunlit and dark conditions.  Environmental Science & Technology , 56: 4961-4969.

4. C.S. Kang#, X.J. Liang#, P. Dershoitz, W.Y. Gu, A. Schepers, A. Flatley, J. Lichtmanneger, H. Zischka, L.J. Zhang, X. Lu, B.H. Gu, J.C. Ledesma, D.J. Pelger, A.A. DiSpirito, J.D. Semrau*. (2021). Evidence for methanobactin “Theft” and novel chalkophore production in methanotrophs: impact on methanotrophic-mediated methylmercury degradation.  The ISME Journal , 16: 211-220.

5. X.J. Liang,# X. Lu#, J.T. Zhao, L.Y. Liang, E. Zeng, B.H. Gu*. (2019). A stepwise reduction approach reveals mercury competitive binding and exchange reactions within natural organic matter and mixed organic ligands.  Environmental Science & Technology , 53: 10685-10694.

6. D.F. Huang, L. Ding, S.H Wang, R. Ding, X.R. Qiu, J.L Li, Z.D Hua, S.S Liu, R.R. Wu, X.J. Liang*, X.T. Guo*. (2024). Metabolomics reveals how spinach plants reprogram metabolites to cope with intense stress responses induced by photoaged polystyrene nanoplastics (PSNPs).  Journal of Hazardous Materials,  466: 133605.

7. D. Peng, W.J. Li, X.J. Liang*, L.C. Zheng, X.T. Guo*. (2023). Enzymatic preparation of hydrophobic biomass with onepot synthesis and the oil removal performance.  Journal of Environmental Sciences , 124: 105-116.

8. X.X. Yin#, L.H. Wang#, X.J. Liang#, L.J. Zhang, J.T. Zhao, B.H. Gu*. (2022). Contrary effects of phytoplankton Chlorella vulgaris and its exudates on mercury methylation by iron- and sulfate-reducing bacteria.  Journal of Hazardous Materials,  433: 128835.

9. Y.F. Wei, X.J. Liang,* H.H. Wu, J.M. Cen, Y.M. Ji. (2021).  Efficient phosphate removal by dendrite-like halloysite-zinc oxide nanocomposites prepared via noncovalent hybridization.  Applied clay science , 213: 106232.

10. X. Lu#, J.T. Zhao#, X.J. Liang#, L.J. Zhang, Y.R. Liu, X.P. Yin, X.K. Li, B.H. Gu*. (2019). The application and potential artifacts of Zeeman cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry in mercury stable isotope analysis.  Environmental Science & Technology Letters , 6: 165-170.

11. D.F. Huang, L. Ding, S.H Wang, R. Ding, X.R. Qiu, J.L Li, Z.D Hua, S.S Liu, R.R. Wu, X.J. Liang*, X.T. Guo*. (2024). Metabolomics reveals how spinach plants reprogram metabolites to cope with intense stress responses induced by photoaged polystyrene nanoplastics (PSNPs).  Journal of Hazardous Materials,  466: 133605.

12. X.J. Liang, C.L. Guo*, Y.F. Wei, S.S. Liu, X.Y. Yi, G.N. Lu, Z. Dang. (2018). Cosolubilization of phenanthrene and pyrene in single and binary surfactant micelles: experimental and molecular dynamics simulations studies.  Journal of Molecular Liquids ,263: 1-9 .  

13. X.J. Liang, C.L. Guo, C.J. Liao, S.S. Liu, L.Y. Wick, D. Peng, X.Y. Yi, G.N. Lu, H. Yin, Z. Lin, Z. Dang*. (2017). Drivers and applications of integrated clean-up technologies for surfactant-enhanced remediation of PAH-contaminated environments.  Environmental Pollution,  225: 129-140.

14. X.J. Liang, M. Marchi, C.L. Guo, Z. Dang, S. Abel*. (2016). Atomistic simulation of solubilization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a sodium dodecyl sulfate micelle.  Langmuir , 32: 3645–3654.

15. X.J. Liang, C.L. Guo, Y.F. Wei, W.J. Lin, X.Y. Yi, G.N. Lu, Z. Dang*. (2016). Cosolubilization synergism occurrence in codesorption of PAH mixtures during surfactant-enhanced remediation of contaminated soil.  Chemosphere , 144: 583-590.

16. X.J. Liang, M.L. Zhang, C.L. Guo*, S. Abel, X.Y. Yi, G.N. Lu, C. Yang, Z. Dang*. (2014). Competitive solubilization of low-molecular-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons mixtures in single and binary surfactant micelles.  Chemical Engineering Journal  ,  244: 522-530.

17. L.J. Zhang, Y.C. Yin, Y.C. Sun, X.J. Liang, D.E. Graham, E.M. Pierce, F.E. Löffler, B.H. Gu. (2023). Inhibition of Methylmercury and Methane Formation by Nitrous Oxide in Arctic Tundra Soil Microcosms.  Environmental Science & Technology , 57: 5655-5665.

18. L.J. Zhang#,* C.S. Kang-Yun#, X. Lu, J. Chang, X.J. Liang, E.M. Pierce, J.D. Semrau, B.H. Gu. (2023). Adsorption and intracellular uptake of mercuric mercury and methylmercury by methanotrophs and methylating bacteria.  Environmental Pollution,  331: 121790.

19. D. Peng, J. Zhao, X.J. Liang, X.T. Guo, H.S. Li. (2023). Corn stalk pith-based hydrophobic aerogel for efficient oil sorption.  Journal of Hazardous Materials,  448: 130954.

20. X.L. Wang, X.J. Liang, X.T. Guo. (2023). Global distribution and potential risks of artificial sweeteners (ASs) with widespread contaminant in the environment: The latest advancements and future development.  TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry,  159: 116915.

21. Y.L. Zhang, L.J. Zhang, X.J. Liang, Q.Y. Wang, X.P. Yin, E.M. Pierce, B.H. Gu. (2022). Competitive exchange between divalent metal ions [Cu(II), Zn(II), Ca(II)] and Hg(II) bound to thiols and natural organic matter.  Journal of Hazardous Materials,  424: 127388.

22. L.J. Zhang, X.J. Liang, Q.Y. Wang, Y.L. Zhang, W. Zheng, X. Lu, E.M. Pierce, B.H. Gu*. (2020). Isotope exchange between mercuric [Hg(II)] chloride and Hg(II) bound to minerals and thiolate ligands: Implications for enriched isotope tracer studies.  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,  292: 468-481.

23. Q.Y. Wang, L.J. Zhang, X.J. Liang, X.P. Yin, Y.L. Zhang, W. Zheng, E.M. Pierce, B.H. Gu*. (2020). Rates and dynamics of isotope exchange between dissolved elemental Hg(0) and Hg(II)-bound to organic and inorganic ligands.  Environmental Science & Technology , 54: 15534-15545.

24. Y.Y. Li, N.L. Zhu, X.J. Liang, X. Bai, L.R. Zheng, J.T. Zhao*, Y.F. Li, Z.Y. Zhang, Y.X. Gao. (2020). Silica nanoparticles alleviate mercury toxicity via immobilization and inactivation of Hg(II) in soybean (Glycine max).  Environmental Science: Nano  7: 1807-1817.

25. J.T Zhao, X.J. Liang, N.L. Zhu, L.M. Wang, Y.Y. Li, Y.Y. Li, L.R. Zheng, Z.Y. Zhang, Y.X. Gao*, Z.F. Chai. (2020). Immobilization of mercury by nano-elemental selenium and the underlying mechanisms in hydroponic-cultured garlic plant.  Environmental Science: Nano , 7: 1115-1125.

26. X.X. Yin, L.H. Wang, L.J. Zhang, H.M. Chen, X.J. Liang, X. Lu, A. DiSpirito, J.D. Semrau, and B.H. Gu*. (2020). Synergistic effects of a chalkophore, methanobactin, on microbial methylation of mercury.  Applied and environmental microbiology,  86: e00122-20.

27. Q.Y. Lu, K.Y. Chen, Y. Long, X.J. Liang, B.Y. He, L.H. Yu, J.S. Ye*. (2019). Benzo(a)pyrene degradation by cytochrome P450 hydroxylase and the functional metabolism network of  Bacillus thuringiensis .   Journal of Hazardous Materials , 366: 329-337.


(1) 西北农林科技大学高层次人才发展支持计划项目,2023.10-2028.09

(2) 福建省自然科学基金,青创项目 (2022J05227)2022.08-2025.07

(3) 国家自然科学基金,青年基金 (42007107)2021.01-2022.12

(4) 中国博士后科学基金,面上项目 (2017M622906)2017.12-2020.12







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