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周健,男,中共党员,山东莱芜人,202012月起在西北农林科技大学资源环境学院工作,副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事全氟化合物的环境污染特征及其在土壤-植物系统中的富集迁移和转化行为研究,近年来主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金区域联合基金重点项目子任务和中国博士后科学基金面上资助等课题5项。以第一作者或通讯作者在EnvironmentalScience & TechnologyEnvironmentInternationalJournal of Hazardous Materials等环境领域知名期刊发表论文10余篇。


2020.6-至今  西北农林科技大学  副教授

2017.5-2020.6 西北农林科技大学  环境科学  博士

2014.9-2017.5 兰州大学  环境科学  硕士

2010.9-2014.7 宁夏大学  环境科学  学士





1Shen Lina, Zhou Jian*, Liang Xiaoxue, Qin Lei, Wang Tiecheng, Zhu Lingyan*. Different Sources, Fractionation, and Migration of Legacy and Novel Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances between Greenhouse and Open-Field Soils.  Environmental Science & Technology . 2023, 57, 4, 1670-1679. Nature Index期刊)

2Guo Jia, Zhou Jian*, Liu Siqian, Shen Lina, Liang Xiaoxue, Wang Tiecheng, Zhu Lingyan*. Underlying Mechanisms for Low-Molecular-Weight Dissolved Organic Matter to Promote Translocation and Transformation of Chlorinated Polyfluoroalkyl Ether Sulfonate in Wheat . Environmental Science & Technology . 2022, 56:15617-15626. Nature Index期刊)

3Liu Siqian, Zhou Jian*, Guo Jia, Xue Mengzhu, Shenlina, Bai sai, Liang Xiaoxue, Wang Tiecheng, Zhu Lingyan*. Impact Mechanisms of Humic Acid on Transmembrane Transport of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Wheat at Subcellular Level: The Important Role of slow-ype Anion Channel.  Environmental Science & Technology , 57, 23:8739-8749. Nature Index期刊)

4Zhou Jian, Yang Zhengshuang, Liu Qing, Liu Yiman, Wang Tiecheng, Zhu Lingyan*. Insights into Uptake, Translocation, and Transformation Mechanisms of Perfluorophosphinates and Perfluorophosphonates in Wheat ( Triticum aestivum   L.).  Environmental Science & Technology , 2020, 54(1): 276-285. Nature Index期刊)

5Zhou Jian, Zhao Guoqing, Li Min, Li Jiaqian, Liang Xiaoxue, Yang Xinyi, Guo Jia, Wang Tiecheng, Zhu Lingyan*. Three-dimensional spatial distribution of legacy and novel poly/perfluoroalkyl substances in the Tibetan Plateau soil: Implications for transport and sources.  Environment International . 2022, 158:107007. 

6Zhou Jian, Li Min, Li Jiaqian, Shao Zixuan, Liu Yiman, Wang Tiecheng, Zhu Lingyan*. Bioavailability and Bioaccumulation of 6:2 Fluorotelomer Sulfonate, 6:2 Chlorinated Polyfluoroalkyl Ether Sulfonates, and Perfluorophosphinates in a Soil-Plant System.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 2020, 68(15): 4325-4334. 

7Zhou Jian, Li Zhi, Guo Xuetao, Li Yao, Wu Zihao, Zhu Lingyan*. Evidences for replacing legacy per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances with emerging ones in Fen and Wei River basins in central and western China.  Journal of Hazardous Materials , 2019, 377: 78-87. 

8Zhou Jian, Li Shujian, Liang Xiaoxue, Feng Xuemin, Wang Tiecheng, Li Zhi*, Zhu Lingyan*. First report on the sources, vertical distribution and human health risks of legacy and novel per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in groundwater from the Loess Plateau, China.  Journal of Hazardous Materials . 2021, 404:124134. 

9Liu Siqian#, Zhou Jian#, Guo Jia, Gao Zhuo, Jia Yibo, Li Shunli, Wang Tiecheng, Zhu Lingyan*. Insights into the impacts of dissolved organic matter of different origins on bioaccumulation and translocation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in wheat.  Environmental Pollution . 2022, 293:118604.

10Liang Xiaoxue, Yang Xinyi, Jiao Wenqing, Zhou Jian*, Zhu Lingyan*. Simulation modelling the structure related bioaccumulation and biomagnification of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in aquatic food web.  Science of the Total Environment . 2022, 838:156397.  

11Liang Xiaoxue, Zhou Jian*, Yang Xinyi, Jiao Wenqing, Wang Tiecheng, Zhu Lingyan*. Disclosing the bioaccumulation and biomagnification behaviors of emerging per/polyfluoroalkyl substances in aquatic food web based on field investigation and medel simulation.  Journal of Hazardous Materials . 2023, 445, 130566. 

12Liu Siqian, Zhou Jian*, Zhu Lingyan*. Investigating Long-Distance Transport of Perfluoroalkyl Acids in Wheat via a Split-Root Exposure Technique. Journal of visualized experiments:  Journal     of     Visualized     Experiments  2022, 187:64400.













电子邮箱zhoujian20@nwafu.edu.cn; zhoujian14@lzu.edu.cn

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