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      发布日期:2024-07-31    浏览次数:



魏晓梦,青年教授,博士生导师,入选西北农林科技大学“高层次人才发展支持计划”青年拔尖人才、 “秦创原引进高层次创新创业人才”。主要研究方向为微生物多营养级跨界互作及农田增产提质的微生物原理与技术。近年来发表论文50余篇,总被引1800余次,H指数24,其中以第一、(共同)通讯作者在Environmental Science & Technology、Soil Biology & Biochemistry等国际权威期刊发表论文15篇,入选“ESI”高被引论文3篇,封面论文1篇。


2022.10至今         西北农林科技大学     资源环境学院    青年教授

2020.07-2022.09      中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所     特别研究助理

2017.09–2020.07      中国科学院大学                   博士   生态学

2013.09–2016.03      浙江大学                         硕士   环境工程

2009.09–2013.07      中国矿业大学(北京)             学士   环境工程


1. 微生物多营养级跨界互作原理及其生态效应

2. 农田土壤碳固持的微生物机制

3. 旱区盐渍化农田土壤增产提质的微生物原理与技术


1. 国家重点研发计划(课题),中低产田增产提质的绿色投入品研发及健康肥沃土壤培育技术,2023.11–2027.12,340万,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,西北旱区典型农田土壤有机碳激发效应的病毒调控机制,2024.01–2027.12,49万,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,土壤有机质对旱作红壤磷有效性的影响机制,2022.01–2024.12,30万,主持

4. 秦创原引用高层次创新创业人才项目,西北盐渍化农田修复微生物菌肥创制,2022.10–2025.10,32万,主持

5. 西北农林科技大学“高层次人才发展支持计划”项目,西北盐渍化农田土壤有机碳的周转机制及固碳提质微生物资源挖掘,2022–2027,80万,主持

6. 云南省烟草公司大理州公司委托项目,烟草废弃物高效绿色制备生物质基化学品的关键技术研究及应用,2023.03–2025.02,19万,主持

7. 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,秸秆还田促进湖南红壤水稻土磷活化的微生物机制,2021.01–2023.12,5万,主持

8. 博士后科学基金面上项目,长期秸秆还田促进红壤区水稻根际磷活化的微生物机制,2021.05–2022.08,8万,主持

9. 中国烟草总公司云南省公司委托项目,加热卷烟原料赋味增香发酵调制技术研发,2021.09–2023.12,30万,主持


1. Zhu, QR, Yang, ZY, Zhang, YP, Wang, YZ, Fei, JC, Rong, XM, Peng, JW, Wei, XM*, Luo, GW*. 2024. Intercropping regulates plant-and microbe-derived carbon accumulation by influencing soil physicochemical and microbial physiological properties. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 364: 108880. (IF=6.0,中科院1区)

2. Yang, ZY,Zhu, QR, Zhang, YP, Jiang, P, Wang, YZ, Fei, JC , Rong, XM, Peng, JW, Wei, XM*, Luo, GW*. 2024. Soil carbon storage and accessibility drive microbial carbon use efficiency by regulating microbial diversity and key taxa in intercropping ecosystems. Biology and Fertility of Soils 60(3): 437–453. (IF=5.1,中科院1区)

3. Li, Z, Wei, XM*, Zhu, ZK, Fang, YY, Yuan, HZ, Li, YH, Zhu, QH, Guo, XB, Wu, JS, Kuzyakov, Y, Ge, TD. 2023. Organic fertilizers incorporation increased microbial necromass accumulation more than mineral fertilization in paddy soil via altering microbial traits. Applied Soil Ecology 193: 105137. (IF=4.8,中科院2区)

4. Wei XM, Ge TD, Wu CF, Wang S, Mason-Jones K, Li Y, Zhu ZK, Hu YJ, Liang C, Shen JL, Wu JS, Kuzyakov Y. 2021. T4-like phages reveal the potential role of viruses in soil organic matter mineralization. Environmental Science & Technology 55(9): 6440–6448. (IF=10.8,中科院1区)

5. Wei XM, Hu YJ, Cai G, Yao HY, Ye J, Sun Q, Veresoglou SD, Li YY, Zhu ZK, Guggenberger G, Chen XB, Su YR, Li Y, Wu JS, Ge TD. 2021. Organic phosphorus availability shapes the diversity of phoD-harboring bacteria in agricultural soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 161: 108364. (IF=9.8,中科院1区)

6. Wei XW, Fan LC, Li YH, Wang WH, Zhu ZK, Zhran M, Shen JL, Kim PJ, Wu JS, Ge TD, Dorodnikov M. 2021. Subsurface methane dynamics of a paddy field under long-term fertilization: 13C-evidence from in-situ belowground labeling. Journal of Cleaner Production 325(20): 129285. (IF=9.7,中科院1区)

7. Wei XM, Zhu ZK, Liu Y, Luo Y, Deng YW, Xu XL, Liu SL, Richter A, Shibistova O, Guggenberger G, Wu JS, Ge TD. 2020. C:N:P stoichiometry regulates soil organic carbon mineralization and concomitant shifts in microbial community composition in paddy soil. Biology and fertility of soils 56(8): 1093–1107. (IF=5.1,中科院1区)

8. Wei XM, Razavi BS, Hu YJ, Xu XL, Zhu ZK, Liu YH, Kuzyakov K, Li Y, Wu JS, Ge TD. 2019. C/P stoichiometry of dying rice root defines the spatial distribution and dynamics of enzyme activities in root-detritusphere. Biology and fertility of soils 55: 251–263. (IF=5.1,中科院1区)

9. Wei XM, Hu YJ, Razavi BS, Zhou J, Shen JL, Nannipieri P, Wu JS, Ge TD. 2019. Rare taxa of alkaline phosphomonoesterase-harboring microorganisms mediate soil phosphorus mineralization. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 131: 62–70. (IF=9.8,中科院1区)

10. Wei XM, Zhu ZK, Wei L, Wu JS, Ge TD. 2019. Biogeochemical cycles of key elements in the paddy-rice rhizosphere: coupling processes and microbial mechanisms. Rhizosphere 10: 100145. (IF=3.4,中科院3区)

11. Wei XM, Ge TD, Zhu ZK, Hu YJ, Liu SL, Li Y, Wu JS, Razavi BS. 2019. Expansion of rice enzymatic rhizosphere: temporal dynamics in response to phosphorus and cellulose application. Plant and soil 445: 169–181. (IF=3.9,中科院2区)

12. Wei XM, Hu YJ, Peng PQ, Zhu ZK, Atere CT, G O’Donnell A, Wu JS, Ge TD. 2017. Effect of P stoichiometry on the abundance of nitrogen-cycle genes in phosphorus-limited paddy soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 53: 767–776. (IF=5.1,中科院1区)

13. Wei, XM, Su, Y, Zhang, HT, Chen, M, He, R. 2015. Responses of methanotrophic activity, community and EPS production to CH4 and O2 concentrations in waste biocover soils. Waste Management 42: 118–127. (IF=7.1,中科院2区)



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