

      发布日期:2024-03-14    浏览次数:




围绕旱地土壤培肥与养分资源高效利用开展研究,主持国家重点研发计划课题及子课题、国家自然科学基金青年项目等7项;发表研究论文30多篇,其中第一或通讯作者发表在Resources, Conservation & Recycling、Global Food Security、European Journal of Agronomy、Field Crops Research、Soil & Tillage Research、Agricultural Water Management、Journal of Cleaner Production、Nutrient Cycling Agroecosystems、Agronomy Journal等期刊,参编教材2部、参编专著2部。承担本科生《土壤与植物营养》、《试验设计与统计分析》课程教学。培养多名研究生获校级优秀硕士学位论文和国家奖学金。


2018.07至今  西北农林科技大学,资源环境学院,副教授

2016.09-2018.07  中国农业大学,植物营养学,博士后

2012.09-2016.07  西北农林科技大学,植物营养学,博士

2009.09-2012.07  贵州大学,植物营养学,硕士

2005.09-2009.07  贵州大学,农业资源与环境,学士













1. He, G., Liu, X.S., Cui, Z.L.*, 2021. Achieving global food security by focusing on nitrogen efficiency potentials and local production. Global Food Security, 29, 100536.

2. He, G., Wang, Z.H.*, Hui, X.L., Huang, T.M., Luo, L.C., 2021. Black film mulching can replace transparent film mulching in crop production. Field Crops Research, 261, 108026.

3. He, G., Wang, Z.H., Cui, Z.L.*, 2020. Managing irrigation water for sustainable rice production in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 245, 1-9.

4. He, G., Wang, Z.H.*, Li, S.X., Malhi, S.S., 2018. Plastic mulch: Tradeoffs between productivity and greenhouse gas emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172, 1311-1318.

5. He, G., Wang, Z.H.*, Cao, H.B., Dai J., Li Q., Xue C., 2018. Year-round plastic film mulch to increase wheat yield and economic returns while reducing environmental risk in dryland of the Loess Plateau. Field Crops Research, 225, 1-8.

6. He, G., Cui, Z.L.*, Ying, H., Zheng, H.F., Wang, Z.H., Zhang, F.S., 2017. Managing the trade-offs among yield increase, water resources inputs and greenhouse gas emissions in irrigated wheat production systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 164, 567-574.

7. He, G., Wang, Z.H.*, Ma X.L., He, H.X., Cao, H. B., Wang S., Dai, J., Luo, L.C., Huang, M., Malhi, S.S. 2017. Wheat yield affected by soil temperature and water under mulching in dryland. Agronomy Journal, 109, 1-9.

8. He, G., Wang, Z.H.*, Li, F.C., Dai, J., Li, Q., Xue, C., Cao, H.B., Wang, S., Malhi, S.S., 2016. Soil water storage and winter wheat productivity affected by soil surface management and precipitation in dryland of the Loess Plateau, China. Agricultural Water Management, 171, 1-9.

9. He, G., Wang, Z.H.*, Li, F.C., Dai, J., Ma, X.L., Li, Q., Xue, C., Cao, H.B., Wang, S., Liu, H., Luo, L.C., Huang, M., Malhi, S.S., 2016. Soil nitrate-N residue, loss and accumulation affected by soil surface management and precipitation in a winter wheat-summer fallow system on dryland. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 106, 31-46.

10. He, G. *, Wang, Z.H., Shen, J.B., Cui, Z.L., Zhang, F.S., 2021. Transformation of agriculture on the Loess Plateau of China towards green development. Front. Agr. Sci. Eng., 8, 491-500.

11. He, G. *, Wang, Z.H., Zhu, Q.C., Shen, J.B., Zhang, F.S., 2024. Implications of agricultural success in the Yellow River Basin and its strategy for green development. Front. Agr. Sci. Eng., 11(1):122-133.

12. Li, Y.H., Bai, N., Tao, Z.K., Mi, X.T., He, G.*, Wang, Z.H.*, 2021. Rethinking application of animal manure for wheat production in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 318, 128473.

13. Bai, N., Mi, X.T., Tao, Z.K., Kang, J.Y., He, G.*, Wang, Z.H., 2022. China’s nitrogen management of wheat production needs more than high nitrogen use efficiency. European Journal of Agronomy, 139, 126557.

14. Mi, X. T., He, G.*, Wang, Z. H. *, 2022. Comprehensive nitrogen management techniques for wheat self-sufficiency in China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 178, 106026.

15. Mi, X.T., Bai, N., Liu, Y.R., He, G. *, Wang, Z.H., 2023. Exploring nitrogen management methods for depressing the decline of wheat grain protein in plastic film mulch via 15N-labelling technique. Soil & Tillage Research, 228, 105632.

16. Wang, X. S., Mi X. T., Sun L. Q., He G. *, Wang Z.H. 2023. Straw return cannot prevent soil potassium depletion in wheat fields of drylands. European Journal of Agronomy, 143, 126728.

17. Dai, J., He, G., Wang, S., Cao, H., Hui, X., Ma, Q., Liu, J., Siddique, K.H.M., Wang, Z., Sadras, V.O., 2022. Matching NPK fertilization to summer rainfall for improved wheat production and reduced environmental cost. Field Crops Research, 286, 108613.

18. Jiao, X. Q, He, G., Cui Z.L., Shen, J.B., Zhang, F.S., 2018. Agri-environment policy for grain production in China: toward sustainable intensification. China Agricultural Economic Review, 10, 78-92.

19. Liu, Z.T., Bian, Q.Q., Bai, J., He, G., Chen, M.Y., Zheng, H.F., Batchelor, W.D., Wang, H.Y., Cong, J.H., Ying, H., Yin, Y.L., Zhang, Q.S., Cui, Z.L., Zhang, F.S., 2022. Closing of the yield gap can be achieved without groundwater extraction in Chinese wheat production. Global Food Security, 33, 100630.

20. Cao, H. B., Wang, Z. H., He G., Dai J., Huang, M., Wang S., Luo, L. C., Sadras, V., Hoogmoed, M., Malhi, S., 2017. Tailoring NPK fertilizer application to precipitation for dryland winter wheat in the Loess Plateau. Field Crops Research, 209, 88-95.

21. Zheng, H. F., Ying, H., Yin, Y. L., Wang, Y. C., He, G., Bian, Q. Q., Cui, Z. L., Yang, Q., 2019. Irrigation leads to greater maize yield at higher water productivity and lower environmental costs: a global meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 273, 62-69.

22. Huang, M., Wang, Z.H., Luo, L.C., Wang, S., Hui, X.L., He, G., Cao, H.B., Ma, X.L., Huang, T.M., Zhao, Y., Diao, C.P., Zheng, X.F., Zhao, H.B., Liu, J.S., Malhi, Sukhdev S., 2017. Soil testing at harvest to enhance productivity and reduce nitrate residues in dryland wheat production. Field Crops Research, 212, 153-164.

23. Dai, J., Wang, Z.H., Li, M.H., He, G., Li, Q., Cao, H.B., Wang S., Gao Y.J., Hui, X.L., 2016. Winter wheat grain yield and summer nitrate leaching: Long-term effects of nitrogen and phosphorus rates on the Loess Plateau of China. Field Crops Research, 196, 180-190.

24. Dai, J., Wang, Z.H., Li, F.C., He, G., Wang, S., Li, Q., Cao, H.B., Luo, L.C., Zan, Y.L., Meng, X.Y., Zhang, W.W., Wang, R.H., Malhi, S.S., 2015. Optimizing nitrogen input by balancing winter wheat yield and residual nitrate-N in soil in a long-term dryland field experiment in the Loess Plateau of China. Field Crops Research, 181, 32-41.

25. Liu, H., Wang, Z. H., Yu, R., Li, F. C., Li, K.Y., Cao, H.B., Yang, N., Li, M.H., Dai, J., Zan, Y.L., Li, Q., Xue, C., He, G., Huang, D.L., Huang, M., Liu, J.S., Qiu, W.H., Zhao, H.B., Mao, H., 2016. Optimal nitrogen input for higher efficiency and lower environmental impacts of winter wheat production in China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 224, 1-11.

26. Wang, S., Wang, Z.H., Li, S.S., Diao, C.P., Liu, L., Hui, X.L., Huang, M., Luo, L.C., He, G., Cao, H.B., Yu, R., Malhi, S.S., 2018. Identification of high-yield and high-Zn wheat cultivars for overcoming "yield dilution" in dryland cultivation. European Journal of Agronomy, 101, 57-62.

27. Li, F.C., Wang, Z.H., Dai, J., Li, Q., Wang, X., Xue, C., Liu, H., He, G., 2015. Fate of nitrogen from green manure, straw, and fertilizer applied to wheat under different summer fallow management strategies in dryland. Biology & Fertility of Soils 51, 769-780.

28. Hou, S.B., Dang, H.Y., Huang, T.M., Huang, Q.N., Li, C., Li, X.H., Sun, Y.Y., Chu, H.X., Qiu, W.H., Liu, J.S., Shi, M., He, G., Siddique, K.H.M., Wang, Z.H, 2023. Targeting high nutrient efficiency to reduce fertilizer input in wheat production of China. Field Crops Res., 292, 108809.

29. 何刚, 王朝辉*, 李富翠, 戴健, 李强, 薛澄, 曹寒冰, 王森, 刘慧, 罗来超, 黄明, 2016. 地表覆盖对旱地小麦氮磷钾需求及生理效率的影响. 中国农业科学, 49, 1657-1671.

30. 李永华,武雪萍,何刚*,王朝辉*, 2020. 我国麦田有机肥替代化学氮肥的产量及经济环境效应. 中国农业科学, 53(23), 4879-4890.

31. 张欣欣,石磊,何刚*,王朝辉*, 2020. 陕西省粮食生产的减肥潜力及经济环境效益. 中国农业科学, 53(19), 4010-4023.

32. 米晓田,石磊,何刚*,王朝辉*,2021. 陕西省小农户作物生产的减肥潜力及经济效益评价. 中国农业科学, 54(20), 4370-4384.

33. 马悦,田怡,于杰,王浩琳,李永华,李超,党海燕,牟文燕,黄宁,邱炜红,石美,王朝辉*,何刚*,2021. 北方麦区土壤有效磷阈值及小麦产量、籽粒氮磷钾含量对监控施肥的响应. 植物营养与肥料学报, 27(10), 1675-1691.

34. 魏蕾,米晓田,孙利谦,李昭敏,石美*,何刚*,王朝辉,2022. 我国北方麦区小麦生产的化肥、农药和灌溉水使用现状及其减用潜力. 中国农业科学, 55(13): 2584-2597.


何刚、昝林森、马锋旺、王朝辉. 西北地区农业绿色发展. 张福锁、申建波、朱齐超主编,中国农业绿色发展理论与实践. 中国农业大学出版社,2022,268-290.

何刚. 黄土高原旱作农业区高效用水典型案例. 崔振岭、程凌云主编,践行农业绿色发展-科技小院案例,中国农业大学出版社,2023,33-43.





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