邓小芳,副教授,硕士生导师,甘肃天水人,农学博士。在Field Crops Research、Food Chemistry、Plant and Soil和Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety等国内外学术期刊发表论文数篇。
(1) 农田土壤氮转化机理及调控,主要研究设施蔬菜体系氮的去向和调控。(2)养分资源利用及管理,农业面源污染防控。
1. 十四五重点研发计划项目“黄河上游流域面源污染防控及农业绿色发展技术集成示范”,2024-2027年,项目骨干,配得经费25万。
2. 陕西省重点研发计划项目(关键核心技术攻关)“设施果蔬水肥一体化物联网智能调控技术研发与应用”子课题,2024-2027,主持,10万。
4. 山东省重点研发计划子课题“基于微生物强化的设施蔬菜绿色生产关键技术研发与应用”,2023-2026年,主持,8万。
5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“辣木籽提取物对日光温室土壤硝化过程的抑制效应及其机制”,2022-2024年,主持,30万。
6. 西北农林科技大学博士科研启动基金“设施蔬菜体系氮转化损失的微生物过程及其机制”,2020-2023年,主持,20万。
1. Yang MX, Ban C, Zhao TY, Zhao J, Zhou NN, Ma L, Zhou JB, Deng XF. Harnessing moringa seed extract for control of soil nitrate accumulation and nitrous oxide emissions on the Loess Plateau. Applied Soil Ecology, 2025, 206: 105862.
2. Zhou P, Bai XL, Wang HY, Bao L, Deng XF, Scriber II KE, Chen ZJ, Zhou JB. Chemical soil disinfestation decreases soil salinisation and the presence of potential pathogens at the cost of higher nitrate leaching. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2024, 366: 108935.
3.Zhou P, Bai XL, Wang HY, Yang MX, Bao L, Deng XF, Chen ZJ, Zhou JB. Optimizing nitrogen and water management for sustainable greenhouse vegetable production with less greenhouse gas emissions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2023, 352: 108529.
4. Deng XF, Zhao ZQ, Lv CH, Zhang ZZ, Yuan LX, Liu XW. Distribution and speciation of selenium in soybean proteins and its effect on protein structure and functionality.Food Chemistry, 2022, 370: 130982.
5. Deng XF, Zhao ZQ, Lv CH, Zhang ZZ, Yuan LX, Liu XW. Effects of sulfur application on selenium uptake and seed selenium speciation in soybean (Glycine max L.) grown in different soil types. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 209: 111790.
6. Deng XF, Zhao ZQ, Han ZY, Huang LQ, Lv CH, Zhang ZH, Zhang HQ, Liu XW. Selenium uptake and fruit quality of pear (Pyrus communis L.) treated with foliar Se application. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2019, 182: 637-646.
7. Deng XF, Zhao ZQ, Zhou JJ, Chen JZ, Lv CH, Liu XW. Composition analysis of typical selenium ore from Enshi and its effect on selenium enrichment in wetland and dryland crops. Plant and Soil, 2018, 433: 55-64.
8. Deng XF, Liu KZ, Li MF, Zhang W, Zhao XH, Zhao ZQ, Liu XW. Difference of selenium uptake and distribution in the plant and selenium form in the grains of rice with foliar spray of selenite or selenate at different stages. Field Crops Research, 2017, 211: 165-171.
9. Deng XF, Zhao ZQ, Zhou JJ, Liu XW. Distribution characteristics of selenium in different soybean products during processing. The 6th International Conference on Selenium in the Environment and Human Health, 2019.
10. 邓小芳, 吕臣浩, 黄立强, 张海清, 赵竹青, 刘新伟. 喷施时期和硒源对‘金桃’猕猴桃硒吸收累积及主要品质指标的影响. 果树学报, 2018, 35(11): 1385-1392.
11. 邓小芳, 刘新伟, 叶志娟, 吕臣浩, 张海清, 黄立强, 赵竹青. 不同时期喷施不同硒源对葡萄硒吸收分配的影响. 中国南方果树, 2018, 47(5): 82-86.
12. 邓小芳, 程于真, 杨明霞, 陈竹君, 周建斌. 不同栽培方式番茄氮素吸收量及理论施氮量. 西北农业学报, 2024, 33(7): 1299-1307.
Email: dxf@nwafu.edu.cn
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