

      发布日期:2024-09-26    浏览次数: 12





2024.09–至今 西北农林科技大学,资源环境学院,副教授

2022.07–2024.09 兰州大学,生命科学学院,博士后

2015.09–2022.06 兰州大学,生态学院,硕博连读

2011.09–2015.06 山西师范大学,生命科学学院,本科


Jia, B., Mao, H., Liang, Y., Chen, J., Jia, L., Zhang, M., Li, X.G*., 2024. Salinity decreases the contribution of microbial necromass to soil organic carbon pool in arid regions. Science of the Total Environment 930, 172786.

Liu, Y.H#., Jia, B#., Zhang, Y.C., Cui, H.Y., Li, X.G*., 2023. The effect of anaerobic conditions on soil decomposition is dependent on organic carbon biochemistry. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 23, 4609–4619.

Jia, B., jia, L., Mou, X.M., Chen, J., Li, F.C., Ma, Q.J., Li, X.G*., 2022. Shrubification decreases soil organic carbon mineralization and its temperature sensitivity in alpine meadow soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 168, 108651.

Jia, B., jia, L., Zhang, Y., Mou, X.M., Li, X.G*., 2022. Leguminous Caragana korshinskii evidently enhances the accumulation of microbial necromass in dryland soils. Catena 215, 106342.

Jia, B., Niu, Z., Wu, Y., Kuzyakov, Y., Li, X.G*., 2020. Waterlogging increases organic carbon decomposition in grassland soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 148, 107927.

Li, X.G*., Jia, B., Lv, J., Ma, Q.J., Kuzyakova, Y., Li, F., 2017. Nitrogen fertilization decreases the decomposition of soil organic matter and plant residues in planted soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 112, 47–55.

Chen, J., Li, F.C., Jia, B., Gang, S., Li, Y., Mou, X.M., Kuzyakov, Y., Li, X.G*., 2024. Regulation of soil nitrogen cycling by shrubs in grasslands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 191, 109327.

Mou, X.M., Li, F.C., Jia, B., Chen, J., Guan, Z.H., Li, Y.Q., Guggenberger, G., Kuzyakov, Y., Wang, L., Li, X.G*., 2024. Decreasing carbon allocation belowground in alpine meadow soils by shrubification. Geoderma 443, 116810.

Zhang, Y.C., Jia, B., Chen, J., Liang, Y., Jia, L., Guan, Z.H., Wei, M., Shang, Z., Li, X.G*., 2024. Shrub expansion increases nitrification and denitrification in alpine meadow soils. Applied Soil Ecology 201, 105524.

Mou, X.M*., Lv, P., Jia, B., Mao, H., Zhao, X., 2024. Plant species richness and legume presence increase microbial necromass carbon accumulation. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 374, 109196.

Ma, Q.J., Luan, F., Jia, B., Zhang, Q., Wang, L., Cui, Z., Li, X.G*., 2023. Agricultural soil aggregation is determined by the crop root biomass rather than morphological characteristics. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 186, 339–350.

Chen, J., Jia, B., Gang, S., Li, Y., Li, F.C., Mou, X.M., Ma, Q.J., Kuzyakov, Y., Li, X.G*., 2022. Decoupling of soil organic carbon and nutrient mineralization across plant communities as affected by microbial stoichiometry. Biology and Fertility of Soils 58, 693–706.

Chen, J., Cui, H.Y., Jia, B., Gang, S., Li, Y., Li, F.C., Mou, X.M., Li, X.G*., 2022. Soil sampling depth matters in assessing the impact of shrubification on soil organic carbon storage in grazed alpine meadows. Geoderma 426, 116119.

Mou, X.M., Wu, Y., Niu, Z., Jia, B., Guan, Z., Chen, J., Li, H., Cui, H., Kuzyakov, Y., Li, X.G*., 2020. Soil phosphorus accumulation changes with decreasing temperature along a 2300 m altitude gradient. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 301, 107050.

Wang, L., Li, X.G*., Guan, Z., Jia, B., Turner, N., Li, F., 2018. The effects of plastic-film mulch on the grain yield and root biomass of maize vary with cultivar in a cold semiarid environment. Field Crops Research 216, 89–99.

Ma, Q.J., Li, X.G*., Song, W., Jia, B., Zhang, Q., Lin, L., Li, F., 2018. Plastic-film mulch and fertilization rate affect the fate of urea-15N in maize production. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 112, 403–416.





2013.11 本科国家励志奖学金

2015.01 第16批岗位实习“优秀实习生”

2017.11 硕士研究生国家奖学金

2020.09 草地农业生态系统国家重点实验室“学术十杰”

2021.12 博士研究生国家奖学金





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