

      发布日期:2023-09-20    浏览次数:



殷睿,教授,博士生导师。研究方向为土壤生态学和全球变化生态学,具体以陆地生态系统土壤生物(特别是土壤动物)为研究对象,研究其群落结构与功能、形态生理及活动物候等对全球变化因子(如气候变暖、干旱、氮沉降、土地集约化、微塑料污染等)的响应。近年来发表论文50余篇,其中一作(含共同一作)论文发表在 Nature Communications (1篇)、 eLife (1 篇)、 Soil Biology & Biochemistry (4篇)、 Biology and Fertility of Soils (1篇)、 Soil and Tillage Research (1篇)、 Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (1篇)、 Catena  (1篇)、 Applied Soil Ecology (1篇)、 Science of the Total Environment (1篇)、 Pest Management Science (1篇)等国际权威期刊上。

二、 个人主页

Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user="4S2eoHwAAAAJ&hl=en



2023.09 - 至今   教授,西北农林科技大学资源环境学院

2020.10 - 2023.09 博士后,北京大学城市与环境学院 (合作导师:朱彪研究员)

2020.02 - 2020.10 科研助理,德国亥姆霍兹环境中心(合作导师:Dr. habil. Martin Schädler)

2018.10 - 2019.10  访问学者,瑞典农业科技大学森林生态系(合作导师:Prof. Dr. Paul Kardol)

2014.10 - 2020.02  博士研究生,德国莱比锡大学(导师:Dr. Nico Eisenhauer)

2011.09-2014.06   硕士研究生,四川农业大学生态林业研究所(导师:徐振锋教授/杨万勤教授)




1. 西北农林科技大学“高层次人才发展支持计划”项目:培肥措施对黄土高原旱地土壤生物及其生态功能的影响及机制(主持,2023-2028),100万

2. 国家自然青年科学基金项目(32101375):增温和氮添加对高寒草甸土壤动物群落结构和功能的影响(主持,2021-2024),30万

3. 中国博士后科学基金项目(2021M700231):气候变暖对土壤动物取食活性的影响(主持,2021-2023),8万


1. Yin, R.#, Qin, W.#, Wang, X., Xie, D., Wang, H., Zhao, H., Zhang, Z., Jin-Sheng He, J., Schädler, M., Kardol, P., Eisenhauer, N., Zhu, B.*, (2023). Experimental warming causes mismatches in alpine plant-microbe-fauna phenology,  Nature Communications , 14(1), 2159. (IF2022=""16.6,中科院分区:一区)

2. Yin, R., Qin, W., Wang, X., Zhao, H., Zhang, Z., Zhu, B.*, (2023). Warmer temperature promotes the contribution of invertebrate fauna to litter components release in an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,  Catena , 231, 107334. (IF2022=""6.367,中科院分区:一区)

3. Yin, R., Liu, Q., Tian, S., Potapov, A., Zhu, B., Yang, K., Li, Z., Zhuang, L., Tan, B., Zhang, L. and Xu, Z.*, Kardol, P., Schädler, M., Eisenhauer, N., (2022). Nitrogen deposition stimulates decomposition via changes in the structure and function of litter food webs.  Soil Biology and Biochemistry , 166, 108522. (IF2022=""8.546,中科院分区:一区)

4. Yin, R.*, Kardol, P., Eisenhauer, N., Schädler, M., (2022). Land-use intensification reduces soil macrofauna biomass at the community but not individual level.  Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment , 337, 108079. (IF2022=""6.576,中科院分区:一区)

5. Yin, R., Qin, W., Zhao, H., Wang, X., Zhu, B.*, (2022). Climate warming in an alpine meadow: differential responses of soil faunal vs. microbial effects on litter decomposition.  Biology and Fertility of Soils , 03, 2022. (IF2022=""6.605,中科院分区:一区)

6. Yin, R.*, Siebert, J., Eisenhauer, N., Schädler, M., (2020). Climate change and intensive land use reduce soil animal biomass via dissimilar mechanisms,  eLife , 9, e54749. (IF2020=""8.713,中科院分区:一区)

7. Yin, R.*, Eisenhauer, N., Gruss, I., Schmid, A., Schädler, M., (2020). Soil functional biodiversity and biological quality under threat: Intensive land use outweighs climate change,  Soil Biology & Biochemistry , 147, 107847. (IF2020=""7.609,中科院分区:一区)

8. Yin, R.*, Eisenhauer, N., Auge, H., Purahong, W., Schmid, A., Schädler, M., (2019). Additive effects of climate change and land use on faunal contribution to litter decomposition,  Soil Biology & Bio  chemistry , 131, 141-148. (IF2019=""5.795,中科院分区:一区)

9. Yin, R., Gruss, I., Eisenhauer, N., Kardol, P., Thakur, M.P., Schmidt, A., Xu, Z., Siebert, J., Zhang, C., Wu, G.L.*, Schädler, M., (2019). Land use modulates the effects of climate change on density but not community composition of Collembola.  Soil Biology & Biochemistry , 138, 107598. (IF2019=""5.795,中科院分区:一区)

10. Yin, R.*, Eisenhauer, N., Gruss, I., Purahong, W., Schmid, A., Siebert, J., Schädler, M., (2019). Climate change does not alter land-use effects on soil fauna communities,  Applied Soil Ecology , 140, 1-10. (IF2019=""3.187,中科院分区:二区)

11. Gruss, I., Yin, R.*, Julia, S., Eisenhauer, N. and Schädler, M., (2023). The responses of Collembola biomass to climate and land-use changes vary with life form.  Soil and Tillage Research , 225, 105541. (IF2022=""6.52,中科院分区:一区)

12. Long, K.#, Yin, R.#, Kardol, P., Wei, Q., Li, Y., & Huang, J. (2023). Bamboo invasion alters Collembola community composition varying with life‐forms. Pest Management Science. (IF2022=""4.1,中科院分区:一区)

13. Wei, Q.#, Yin, R.#, Huang, J., Vogler, A.P., Li, Y., Miao, X. and Kardol, P., (2021). The diversity of soil mesofauna declines after bamboo invasion in subtropical China.  Science of the Total Environment , 789, 147982. (IF2021=""10.753,中科院分区:一区)

14. Wu, A., You, C., Yin, R., Xu, Z., Zhang, L., Liu, Y., ... & Tan, B. (2023). Forest gaps slow the humification process of Fir (Abies faxoniana Rehder & EH Wilson) twig litter during eight years of decomposition in an alpine forest.  Forests , 14(5), 868. (IF2022=""2.9,中科院分区:二区)

15. You, C., Li, J., Yang, K., Tan, B., Yin, R., Li, H., ... & Peñuelas, J. (2023). Variations and patterns of C and N stoichiometry in the first five root branch orders across 218 woody plant species.  New Phytologist , 238(5), 1838-1848. (IF2022=""9.4,中科院分区:一区)

16. Potapov, A. M., Guerra, C. A., van den Hoogen, J., Babenko, A., Bellini, B. C., Berg, M. P., Yin, R.,.. & Scheu, S. (2023). Globally invariant metabolism but density-diversity mismatch in springtails.  Nature communications , 14(1), 674. (IF2022=""16.6,中科院分区:一区)

17. Wu, A., Yin, R., Xu, Z., Zhang, L., You, C., Liu, Y., ... & Tan, B. (2022). Forest gaps slow lignin and cellulose degradation of fir (Abies faxoniana) twig litter in an alpine forest.  Geoderma , 424, 116010. (IF2022=""6.1,中科院分区:一区)

18. Tian, S., Zhu, B., Yin, R., Wang, M., Jiang, Y., Zhang, C., ... & Liu, M. (2022). Organic fertilization promotes crop productivity through changes in soil aggregation.  Soil Biology and Biochemistr y, 165, 108533. (IF2022=""9.7,中科院分区:一区)

19. Li, Z., Reichel, R., Li, Z., Yang, K., Zhang, L., Tan, B., Yin, R., ... & Xu, Z. (2021). Effects of snow absence on available N pools and enzyme activities within soil aggregates in a spruce forest on the eastern Tibetan Plateau.  Soil Ecology Letters , 1-7. (IF2021=""4,中科院分区:四区)

20. Tan, B., Yin, R., Zhang, J., Xu, Z., Liu, Y., He, S., ... & Peng, C. (2021). Temperature and moisture modulate the contribution of soil fauna to litter decomposition via different pathways.  Ecosystems , 24, 1142-1156. (IF2021=""4.345,中科院分区:二区)

21. Liu, Q., Yin, R., Tan, B., You, C., Zhang, L., Zhang, J., ... & Scheu, S. (2021). Nitrogen addition and plant functional type independently modify soil mesofauna effects on litter decomposition.  Soil Biology and Biochemistry , 160, 108340. (IF2021=""8.546,中科院分区:一区)

22. Yang, K., Yin, R., Peñuelas, J., Li, Z., Tan, B., You, C., ... & Xu, Z. (2021). Divergent effects of snow exclusion on microbial variables across aggregate size classes.  Catena , 206, 105481. (IF2021=""5.198,中科院分区:一区)

23. Sünnemann, M., Siebert, J., Reitz, T., Schädler, M., Yin, R., & Eisenhauer, N. (2021). Combined effects of land-use type and climate change on soil microbial activity and invertebrate decomposer activity.  Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment , 318, 107490. (IF2021=""6.576,中科院分区:一区)

24. Liu, X., Liu, Y., Zhang, L., Yin, R., & Wu, G. L. (2021). Bacterial contributions of bio-crusts and litter crusts to nutrient cycling in the Mu Us Sandy Land.  Catena , 199, 105090. (IF2021=""6.362,中科院分区:一区)

25. Zhang, L., Ren, Y., Yang, K., Li, Z., Tan, B., Liu, Y., Yin, R.,... & Xu, Z. (2021). Immediate and legacy effects of snow exclusion on soil fungal diversity and community composition.  Forest Ecosystems , 8(1), 1-11. (IF2021=""4.274,中科院分区:一区)

26. Ren, Y., Zhang, L., Yang, K., Li, Z., Yin, R., Tan, B., Yin, R.,... & Kardol, P. (2020). Short-term effects of snow cover manipulation on soil bacterial diversity and community composition.  Science of The Total Environment , 741, 140454. (IF2020=""7.963,中科院分区:一区)

27. Tan, B., Yin, R., Yang, W., Zhang, J., Xu, Z., Liu, Y., ... & You, C. (2020). Soil fauna show different degradation patterns of lignin and cellulose along an elevational gradient.  Applied Soil Ecology , 155, 103673. (IF2020=""4.046,中科院分区:二区)

28. Zhuang, L., Liu, Q., Liang, Z., You, C., Tan, B., Zhang, L., Yin, R.,... & Xu, Z. (2020). Nitrogen additions retard nutrient release from two contrasting foliar litters in a subtropical forest, southwest China.  Forests , 11(4), 377. (IF2020=""2.634,中科院分区:二区)

29. Wu, G. L., Liu, Y. F., Cui, Z., Liu, Y., Shi, Z. H., Yin, R., & Kardol, P. (2020). Trade‐off between vegetation type, soil erosion control and surface water in global semi‐arid regions: A meta‐analysis.  Journal of Applied Ecology , 57(5), 875-885. (IF2020=""6.528,中科院分区:一区)

30. Tan, B., Zhang, J., Yang, W., Yin, R., Xu, Z., Liu, Y., ... & You, C. (2020). Forest gaps retard carbon and nutrient release from twig litter in alpine forest ecosystems.  European Journal of Forest Research , 139, 53-65. (IF2020=""2.617,中科院分区:二区)

31. Liu, Q., Zhuang, L., Yin, R., Ni, X., You, C., Yue, K., ... & Xu, Z. (2019). Root diameter controls the accumulation of humic substances in decomposing root litter.  Geoderma , 348, 68-75. (IF2019=""4.848,中科院分区:一区)

32. Yang, K., Peng, C., Peñuelas, J., Kardol, P., Li, Z., Zhang, L., Yin, R.,... & Xu, Z. (2019). Immediate and carry-over effects of increased soil frost on soil respiration and microbial activity in a spruce forest.  Soil Biology and Biochemistry , 135, 51-59. (IF2019=""5.759,中科院分区:一区)

33. Siebert, J., Thakur, M. P., Reitz, T., Schädler, M., Schulz, E., Yin, R., ... & Eisenhauer, N. (2019). Extensive grassland-use sustains high levels of soil biological activity, but does not alleviate detrimental climate change effects.  Advances in Ecological Research , 60, 25-58. (IF2019=""7.429,中科院分区:二区)

34. Singh, J., Singh, S., Vig, A. P., Bhat, S. A., Hundal, S. S., Yin, R., & Schädler, M. (2018). Conventional farming reduces the activity of earthworms: Assessment of genotoxicity test of soil and vermicast.  Agriculture and Natural Resources , 52(4), 366-370.

35. 殷睿, 蒋先敏, 徐振锋, 吴福忠, 杨万勤, 熊莉, 李志萍, 王滨, 唐仕姗 (2013). 季节性雪被对川西亚高山岷江冷杉林冬季土壤氮矿化和淋溶的影响. 水土保持学报, 5, 138-143.

36. 殷睿, 徐振锋, 吴福忠, 杨万勤, 李志萍, 熊莉, 肖洒, 王滨 (2014). 雪被斑块对川西亚高山两个森林群落冬季土壤氮转化的影响. 生态学报, 34(8), 2061-2067.

37. 殷睿, 徐振锋, 吴福忠, 杨万勤, 熊莉, 肖洒, 马志良, 李志萍 (2014). 川西亚高山不同海拔森林土壤活性氮库及净氮矿化的季节动态. 应用生态学报, 24(12), 3347-3353.

38. 殷睿, 徐振锋, 吴福忠, 杨万勤, 熊莉, 肖洒, 马志良, 李志萍 (2014). 川西亚高山不同海拔3种森林群落土壤氮转化的季节动态. 林业科学, 50(7), 1-7.

39. 殷睿, 徐振锋, 吴福忠, 苟小林, 熊莉, 唐仕姗, 谢承瀚, 杨万勤 (2014). 川西高山森林林窗对季节性冻融期土壤氮动态的影响. 生态学杂志, 33(9), 2483-2489.

40. 殷睿, 吴福忠, 杨万勤, 熊莉, 张玺涛, 唐仕姗, 谢承翰, 王滨 (2014). 雪被斑块对川西亚高山冷杉林冬季土壤活性氮库及氮矿化潜力的影响. 应用与环境生物学报, 20(1), 15-21.

41. 熊莉, 徐振锋, 吴福忠, 杨万勤, 殷睿, 李志萍, 倪祥银, 熊海涛 (2014). 踩踏对亚热带沟叶结缕草草坪冬季休眠期土壤呼吸的影响. 草业学报, 23(2), 83-89.

42. 李志萍, 吴福忠, 杨万勤, 徐振锋, 苟小林, 殷睿, 熊莉 (2015). 川西亚高山森林林窗不同时期土壤转化酶和脲酶活性的特征. 生态学报, 35(12), 3919-3925.

43. 熊莉, 徐振锋, 吴福忠, 杨万勤, 殷睿, 李志萍, 唐仕姗, 熊海涛 (2014). 成都市两种典型草坪冬季休眠期土壤呼吸动态特征. 应用与环境生物学报, 20(2), 275-280.

44. 唐仕姗, 杨万勤, 殷睿, 熊莉, 王海鹏, 王滨, 张艳, 彭艳君, 陈青松, 徐振锋 (2014). 中国森林生态系统凋落叶分解速率的分布特征及其控制因子. 植物生态学报, 38(6), 529-39.

45. 熊莉, 徐振锋, 吴福忠, 杨万勤, 殷睿, 李志萍, 苟小林, 唐仕姗 (2014). 雪被斑块对川西亚高山冷杉林土壤氮转化酶活性的影响. 应用生态学报, 25(5), 1293-1299.

46. 崔宁洁, 张丹桔, 刘洋, 张健, 杨万勤, 欧江, 张捷, 宋小艳, 殷睿 (2014). 马尾松人工林不同大小林窗植物多样性及其季节动态. 植物生态学报, 38(5), 477-490.

47. 熊莉, 徐振锋, 杨万勤, 殷睿, 唐仕姗, 王滨 (2015). 川西亚高山粗枝云杉人工林地上凋落物对土壤呼吸的贡献. 生态学报, 35(14), 4678-4686.

48. 唐仕姗, 杨万勤, 熊莉, 殷睿, 王海鹏, 张艳 (2015). 川西亚高山三种优势树种不同根序碳氮磷化学计量特征. 应用生态学报, 26(2), 363-369.

49. 常晨晖, 苟小林, 吴福忠, 杨万勤, 殷睿, 熊莉 (2016). 利用海拔差异模拟增温对高山森林土壤溶解性有机碳和有机氮含量的影响. 应用生态学报, 27(3), 663-671.


1. 学术型硕士:欢迎对我研究领域感兴趣的同学报考,土壤学(090301)

2. 专业型硕士:欢迎对我研究领域感兴趣的同学报考,资源利用与植物保护(095132)

3. 博士研究生:欢迎对我研究领域感兴趣的同学报考,土壤学(090301)

4. 博士后:欢迎具有土壤学、土壤生态学、全球变化生态学背景的博士随时欢迎与我联系,年薪可达20-35万,并根据西北农林科技大学规定享受住房补贴、社保、子女入学等福利。支持申报各类基金和人才计划项目,优秀者可直接以(副)高级职称留校任教。





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