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      发布日期:2025-02-18    浏览次数:



祝可成,男,湖北荆门人,1990年10月生,中共党员,工学博士,西北农林科技大学资源环境学院副教授,入选西北农林科技大学“高层次人才发展支持计划”和陕西省秦岭生态环保“青年学者”。目前已累计发表论文50余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research等国内外期刊发表SCI索引论文20余篇(中科院1区论文15篇),主编规划教材1部,参编教材和专著4部。获得陕西省优秀博士学位论文、陕西省自然科学优秀学术论文奖三等奖(排名1)、陕西省自然科学二等奖(排名3)、中国土壤学会科学技术奖二等奖(排名2)等荣誉与奖励。承担本科生《画法几何与工程制图》、《环境影响评价》课程教学。培养多名研究生获校级优秀硕士学位论文和国家奖学金。















Dai QY, Zhu KC*, Xu YL, Liu YX, Jiang YR, Yan CH, Zhang C, Jia HZ* (2025). Boosting molecular oxygen activation through a synergistic interaction of boron-doped biochar and ascorbic acid: Key role of BC2O and BC3. Chem. Eng. J. 506. 159827.

Liu FH, Ding YY, Liu J, Latif J, Qin JJ, Tian SX, Sun SY, Guan BT, Zhu KC*, Jia, HZ* (2024). The effect of redox fluctuation on carbon mineralization in riparian soil: An analysis of the hotspot zone of reactive oxygen species production. Water Res., 265: 122294.

Deng YX, Zhu KC*, Sun YJ, Xie LY, Jiang WJ, Jiang YR, Guo XT, Jia HZ* (2024).

Aging kinetics and mechanisms of polystyrene microplastic in water under sunlight irradiation: Effects of inorganic cations. Gondwana Res.129. 193-200.

Xie LY, Zhu KC*, Chen N, Deng YX, Jiang WJ, Jia HZ* (2024). A critical review of environmental risk induced by aging microplastics: Insights into environmentally persistent free radicals. Environ. Sci. Technol. 58(36) 16055-16065.

Deng YX, Zhu KC*, Jiang WJ, Liu YX, Xie LY, Liu FH, Yang KJ, Jiang YR, Jia HZ* (2024). Novel chemical routes for carbon dioxide and methane production from lignin photodegradation: The role of environmental free radicals

. Environ. Sci. Technol. 58(36) 16055-16065.

Jiang YR, Zhu KC*, Hou JY, Dai QY, Li YG, Li K, Deng YX, Zhu LY, Jia HZ* (2024). Novel Unlocking high-efficiency decontamination by building a novel heterogeneous catalytic reduction system of thiourea dioxide/biochar. J. Hazard. Mater. 472, 134471.

Zhu KC, Ma SR, Chen N, Dai YC, Wang TC, Guo XT, Jia HZ* (2024). Robust reactive oxygen species production in interfacial reaction between organic acids and biochar: The combined effect of electron acceptance and electron conduction. J. Hazard. Mater.464, 132960.

Liu FH, Zhu KC*, Wang ZQ, Liu JB, Ni Z, Ding YY, Zhang C, Jia HZ* (2023). Production of reactive oxygen species and its role in mediating the abiotic transformation of organic carbon in sandy soil under vegetation restoration. Carbon. Res. 2, 35.

Jiang WJ, Zhu KC*, Ma HN, Liu JB, Zhang C, Dai YC, Jia HZ* (2023). Sulfur-containing persistent free radicals and reactive species on photoaged microplastics: Identification and the formation mechanism. Environ. Sci. Technol. 57(23) 8680-8690.

Xie LY, Zhu KC*, Jiang WJ, Lu HD, Yang HQ, Deng YX, Jiang YR, Jia HZ* (2022). Toxic effects and primary source of the aged micro-sized artificial turf fragments and rubber particles: Comparative studies on laboratory photoaging and actual field sampling. Environ. Int. 170, 107663.

Zhu KC, Sun YJ, Jiang WJ, Zhang C, Dai YC, Liu Z, Wang TC, Guo XT, Jia HZ* (2022). Inorganic anions influenced the photoaging kinetics and mechanism of polystyrene microplastic under the simulated sunlight: Role of reactive radical species. Water. Res. 216, 118294.

Zhu KC, Jia HZ*, Jiang WJ, Sun YJ, Zhang C, Liu Z, Wang TC, Guo XT, Zhu LY* (2021). The First Observation of the Formation of Persistent Aminoxyl Radicals and Reactive Nitrogen Species on Photoirradiated Nitrogen-Containing Microplastics. Environ. Sci. Technol. 56 (2), 779-789.

Zhu KC, Jia HZ*, Sun YJ, Dai YC, Zhang C, Guo XT, Wang TC, Zhu LY* (2020). Enhanced cytotoxicity of photoaged phenol-formaldehyde resins microplastics: Combined effects of environmentally persistent free radicals, reactive oxygen species, and conjugated carbonyls. Environ. Int. 145, 106137.

Zhu KC, Jia HZ*, Sun YJ, Dai YC, Zhang C, Guo XT, Wang TC, Zhu LY* (2020). Long-term phototransformation of microplastics under simulated sunlight irradiation in aquatic environments: Roles of reactive oxygen species. Water. Res. 173, 115564.

Zhu KC, Jia HZ*, Zhao S, Xia TJ, Guo XT, Wang TC, Zhu LY* (2019). Formation of Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals on Microplastics under Light Irradiation. Environ. Sci. Technol. 53 (14), 8177-8186

Zhu KC, Duan YY, Wang F, Gao P, Jia HZ*, Ma CY, Wang, CY* (2017). Silane-modified halloysite/Fe3O4 nanocomposites: Simultaneous removal of Cr(VI) and Sb(V) and positive effects of Cr(VI) on Sb(V) adsorption. Chem. Eng. J. 311, 236-246

Zhu KC, Jia HZ*; Wang F, Zhu YQ, Wang, CY, Ma CY* (2017). Efficient Removal of Pb(II) from Aqueous Solution by Modified Montmorillonite/Carbon Composite: Equilibrium, Kinetics, and Thermodynamics. Chem. Eng. Data. 62 (1), 333-340.

祝可成,查向浩,古丽戈娜,贾汉忠,马承愚*(2017). 硅烷偶联剂改性埃洛石/Fe2O3复合材料的制备与Sb5+的去除. 水处理技术. 43 (7), 65-70.


贾汉忠,祝可成,赵松,石亚芳 (2022). 环境持久性自由基. 中国环境出版集团(北京).



2023年第八届全国环境地球化学大会 专题特邀报告

2022年高原生态环保与黄河流域高质量发展国际产学研用合作研讨会 口头报告

2021年第七届青年地学论坛 专题特邀报告

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2023年中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛陕西赛区省赛铜奖 指导教师





电子邮箱: zhukc@nwafu.edu.cn


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