

      发布日期:2020-05-08    浏览次数:





2014/09 – 2017/12,西南大学,土壤学,获农学博士学位;

2011/09 – 2014/07,西南大学,土壤学,获农学硕士学位;

2007/09 – 2011/07,甘肃农业大学,农业资源与环境,获农学学士学位。




1. 农业农村/生态环境部农业生态环境保护重金属污染监测项目,2019,主持。

2. 农业农村/生态环境部农产品产地土壤污染分级管控项目,2019,主持。

3. 黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室开放基金,植被恢复对土粒间作用力及土壤侵蚀强度的影响,2019-2020,主持。

4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,土壤中的“电场-量子涨落”耦合作用,2016.1-2020.12,参与。

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,矿物质与腐殖质相互作用中的特殊离子效应,2014.1-2017.12,参与。


1. Du Wei, Liu Xinmin, Tian Rui, Li Rui, Ding Wuquan and Li Hang*. Specific ion effects of incomplete ion-exchange by electric field-induced ion polarization [J].  RSC Advances , 2020, 10, 15190-15198.

2. Du Wei, Liu Xinmin, Li Rui, Tian Rui*, Ding Wuquan and Li Hang. Theory to describe incomplete ion exchange in charged heterogeneous systems [J].  Journal of Soils and Sediments , 2019, 19, 1839–1849.

3. Du Wei, Li Rui, Liu Xinmin*, Tian Rui, Ding Wuquan and Li Hang*. Estimating Hofmeister energy in ion-clay mineral interactions from the Gouy-Chapman theory [J].  Applied Clay Science , 2017, 146: 122-130.

4. Du Wei, Li Rui, Liu Xinmin*, Tian Rui and Li Hang*. Specific ion effects on ion exchange kinetics in charged clay [J].  Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects , 2016, 509: 427-432.

5. Yang Yajun, Du Wei, Ren Xiuna, Cui Ziying, Zhou Wei, Lv Jialong. Effect of bean dregs amendment on the organic matter degradation, humification, maturity and stability of pig manure composting [J].  Science of The Total Environment , 2020, 708, 134623.

6. Yang Yajun, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Du Wei, Ren Xiuna, Lei Tong, Lv Jialong. Compost supplementation with nitrogen loss and greenhouse gas emissions during pig manure composting [J].  Bioresource Technology , 2020, 297, 122435.

7. Liu Dian, Du Wei, Liu Xinmin, Tian Rui *, Hang Li*. To Distinguish Electrostatic, Coordination Bond, Nonclassical Polarization, and Dispersion Forces on Cation–Clay Interactions [J].  Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 2019, 123, 4, 2157-2164.

8. Liu Xinmin*, Tian Rui, Du Wei, Li Rui, Ding Wuquan, Li Hang. A theory to determine the surface potentials of clay particles in electrolyte solutions [J].  Applied Clay Science , 2019, 169, 112-119.

9. Hu Feinan, Liu Jingfang, Xu Chenyang, Du Wei, Yang Zhihua, Liu Xinmin, Liu Gang, Zhao Shiwei. Soil internal forces contribute more than raindrop impact force to rainfall splash erosion [J].  Geoderma , 2018, 330, 91-98.

10. Liu Xinmin, Ding Wuquan*, Tian Rui, Du Wei, Li Hang*. Position of Shear Plane at the Clay–Water Interface: Strong Polarization Effects of Counterions[J].  Soil Science Society of America Journal , 2017, 81, 268-276.


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