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      发布日期:2022-01-25    浏览次数:



申卫博,男,汉族,1979 年 9 月生于陕西泾阳,中国共产党党员,博士,西北农林科技大学水土保持研究所副研究员,博士生导师。主要研究方向:














1. 第三届中国水土保持学会优秀设计奖三等奖,2021年12月;

2. 陕西省环境保护科技进步三等奖,2008 年 3 月。


1. 2021年度陕西省林业科学院科技创新计划专项项目:农牧交错区困难立地生态修复技术研究与示范(SXLK2021-0202),主持,2021.5.28-2023.12.28;

2. 陕西省社科界2020年度重大理论与现实问题研究项目:白于山生态空间分区治理研究(20ST-185),主持,2020.12.08-2022.11.30;

3. 中央财政农业技术推广专项:组合式稳定塘处理养猪场污水关键技术研究与示范,主持,2016.01-2017.12;

4. 中国水利水电科学研究院专项:水土保持生态效应监测与评价技术研究,主持,2016.01-2017.12;

5. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项:低碱度缓释型多孔植生混凝土的水化特性及结构研究(2452015094),主持,2015.1-2017.12;

6. 博士启动基金:毛乌素沙地退化湿地土壤呼吸效应研究(2014BS197),主持,2014.1-2015.12;

7. 黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室基金:典型沙地湿地土壤有机碳储量研究(K318009902-1320),主持,2013.1-2014.12;

8. 科技部科技惠民计划项目:陕北能源化工基地生态修复惠民工程(2012GS610203),参与,2012.9-2015.9;

9. 中组部、中国科学院人才培养计划“西部之光”项目:秃尾河河源区沙地湿地退化原因及其土壤生态要素响应特征研究(XBZG2011015),主持,2011.1-2013.12。


专著:撰写专著 1 部。

1. 申卫博.《黄土高原地区水土保持生态修复模式研究》,2015,长春:吉林人民出版社;

文章:2016 年以来以第一作者、通讯作者、共同作者发表 SCI 论文、中文核心期刊论文二十余篇。

1. Mengjie Liu, Ronghua Li, Jingwen Wang, Xian Liu, Songling Li, Weibo Shen. Recovery of phosphate from aqueous solution by dewatered dry sludge biochar and its feasibility in fertilizer use. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 814, 152752.

2. Weibo Shen, Yue Hu, Jie Zhang, Fei Zhao, Pengyang Bian, Yixuan Liu. Spatial distribution and human health risk assessment of soil heavy metals based on sequential Gaussian simulation and positive matrix factorization model: A case study in irrigation area of the Yellow River. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 225, 112752.

3. Ze Huang, Yu Liu, Kaiyang Qiu, Manuel López Vicente, Weibo Shen, Gao Lin Wu. Soil-water deficit in deep soil layers results from the planted forest in a semi-arid sandy land: Implications for sustainable agroforestry water management. Agricultural Water Management, 254, 2021, 106985.

4. Weibo Shen, Yueru Fang, Muhammad Azeem, Yuxi Gao, Xianxi Li, Peng Zhao, Amjad Ali, Manlin Li, Ronghua Li. Chitosan crosslinked with polyamine-co-melamine for adsorption of Hg2+: Application in purification of polluted water. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,  181, 2021, 778-785.

5. Xianzhen Li, Yue Hu, Diao She, WeiBo Shen. Modified Activated Carbon Fiber Felt for the Electrosorption of Norfloxacin in Aqueous Solution. Sustainability, 2020, 12(10), 3986.

6. Huan He, Yixuan Liu, Yue Hu, Mengqi Zhang, Guodong Wang, Weibo Shen. Soil Microbial Community and Its Interaction with Soil Carbon Dynamics Following a Wetland Drying Process in Mu Us Sandy Land. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(12), 4199.

7. Ze Huang, Wen-Jin Yang, Yu Liu, Weibo Shen, Manuel López-Vicente, Gao-Lin Wu. Belowground soil water response in the afforestation-cropland interface under semi-arid conditions. Catena, 2020, 193, 104660.

8. Jie Sun, Guotong Xia, Wenjin Yang, Yue Hu, Weibo Shen. Microwave-assisted method to degrade phenol using persulfate or hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by Cu-bearing silicon carbide. Water Science & Technology, 2020, 82(4): 704–714.

9. Guotong Xia, Jie Sun, Wenjin Yang, Gaolui Wu, Weibo Shen . Studies on the reaction mechanism of Cu/SiC catalytic oxidation for degradation of methyl orange in presence of microwave. Water Science and Technology, 2019, 79, 1164-1173.

10. Huan He, Guotong Xia, Wenjin Yang, Yunpeng Zhu, Guodong Wang, Weibo Shen . Response of soil C:N:P stoichiometry, organic carbon stock, and release to wetland grasslandification in Mu Us Desert. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2019, 19(236):3954-3968.

11. Jihai Zhou , Kun Cheng, Jiyong Zheng, Zaiqun Liu, Weibo Shen , Houbao Fan, Zhinong Jin. Physiological and biochemical characteristics of Cinnamomumcamphora in response to Cu and Cd-Contaminated soil. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2019, 230(1).

12. Song Jinxi, Cheng Dandong, Zhang Junlong, Zhang Yongqiang, Shen Weibo. Estimating spatial pattern of hyporheic water exchange in slack water pool. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2019,29, 377-388.

13. Ze Huang, Haitao Miao, Weibo Shen, Wu Gao-Lin. Soil water content and temporal stability in an arid area with natural and planted grasslands. Hydrological Processes, 2018,32, 3784-3792.

14. Cui Zeng, Liu Yu, Jia Chao, Huang Ze, Shen Weibo. Soil water storage compensation potential of herbaceous energy crops in semi-arid region. Field Crops Research, 2018, 223:41-47.

15. Jia Chao, Huang Ze, Miao HaiTao, Lu Rong, Shen Weibo, Wu Gao-Lin. Litter crusts promote herb species formation by improving surface microhabitats in a desert ecosystem. Catena, 2018, 171:245–250.

16. Jinxi Song, Bin Tang, Junlong Zhang, Xinyi Dou, Qi Liu, Weibo Shen. System dynamics simulation for optimal stream flow regulations under consideration of coordinated development of ecology and socio-economy in the Weihe River Basin, China. Ecological Engineering, Ecological Engineering, 2018, 124:51-68.

17. Shen Weibo , Zhang Yun, Gong Chenchen, Xin Jibao. Effect of K2O and MgO on the formation and hydration activity of Ba-Bearing calcium sulfoaluminate. Ceramics-Silikáty, 2017, 61(1), 6-13.

18. 闫玉琴,解刚,项宇,夏国彤,申卫博 (通讯作者).毛乌素沙地湖滨带沉积物碳氮磷生态化学计量学特征[J].水土保持学报,2018,32(02):223-228;

19. 张雪冰,闫玉琴,陈国静,申卫博 (通讯作者),王国栋.毛乌素沙地典型湖滨带湿地有机碳、氮素空间分布特征[J].南水北调与水利科技,2017,15(04):87-93;

20. 张云,汪自庆,何欢,张雪冰,申卫博 (通讯作者).砒砂岩对硅酸盐和硫铝酸盐水泥性能的影响[J].中国粉体技术,2016,22(03):40-45.



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