

      发布日期:2022-09-13    浏览次数:



强虹,博士,西北农林科技大学资源环境学院环境科学与工程系副教授。2011年10月获日本东北大学工学博士学位。同年10月归国就职于西北农林科技大学。现为陕西省清洁与可再生能源学会理事。长期从事污水和废弃物处理以及资源化利用方面的教学和科研任务。 近年来先后主持国家自然科学基金,陕西省重点研发计划,陕西省自然科学基金,国家级外专项目等多个项目,编写著作1本,制定标准1项,发表文章30多篇,获得奖励4项。


2008.10-2011.10 日本东北大学环境科学研究科, 博士。

2007.10-2008.10 日本东北大学大学院工学研究科大学院生

2006.10-2007.10 获日本文部省博士生奖学金项目资助在东 北师范大学中国赴日本国留日预校学习日语。

2000.9-2004.7 西北农林科技大学环境科学专业,硕士。

1993.9-1997.7 南昌航空工业学院环境工程专业,学士


1. “JSWE-IDEA Water Environment International Exchange Award”,  IWA-ASPIRE  Conference & Exhibition, Tokyou,  Japan, 10/2011.

2. “Presentation Excellence Awards”, The 7th international Conference on Environmental Anaerobic Technologies and Bioenergy-Accommodation, Tianjin, China, 11/2011.

3. 《日本仙台市城市污水厌氧生物膜中试案例》获批陕西省专业学位研究生教学案例入库,2021

4. “一种高效低耗的乡镇污水处理技术和工艺开发”,第三届中国创新挑战赛(延安赛区)“优胜奖”,延安市科技局,2018,12

5. “基于生物技术的禽业全产业链废弃物的高值化利用和无害化处理” ,第三届中国创新挑战赛(宁夏赛区) “优秀奖”,宁夏科技厅,2018,12

6. 基于高负荷厌氧发酵的畜禽粪污全资源高值化利用关键技术及应用,中国产学研合作创新与促进奖,一等奖, 2022,4/8





(3)西咸新区生物多样性调查,2021-2022, 陕西省西咸新区开发建设管理委员会,LZBD2021-497

(4)高固体沼气工程在畜禽养殖废弃物资源化利用的关键技术与装备研究,陕西省重点研发计划,2018-2020;2018 NY-004



(7) 畜禽粪便厌氧消化抗生素削减研究,农业部农业规划设计院 江苏省农科院重点实验室项目。

2. 发表的主要论文

(1) Fang Hu, Haiqi Zhai, Yinan Yang, Yongkang Tian, Jingting Wang, Hong Qiang*,The effects of chlortetracycline on anaerobic digestion of chicken manure and the role of extracellular polymeric substances.,  Journal of Cleaner Production  ( IF 11.072 ) ,2022; 367(20): 133014. Q1

(2) Hong Qiang , Fei Wang , Jingtao Ding , Congguang Zhang*,  Co-digestion  of swine manure and corn stalks with biochar as an effffective promoter: An optimization study using response surface methodology.,  Fuel (IF 8.035),2020; 268:1-8. Q1

(3) Fei Wang, Mengfu Pei, Ling Qiu, Yiqing Yao, Hong Qiang* Performance of Anaerobic Digestion of Chicken Manure Under Gradually Elevated Organic Loading Rates.,  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health  ( IF 4.614 )  2019:16: 1-17.

(4) Hong Qiang, Dong-Li Lang, YuYou-Li*, High-solid mesophilic methane  fermentation of food waste with an emphasis on Ferric, Cobalt, Nickel requirment.,  Bioresource Technology  ( IF 11.889 )  2012;103:21-27. Q1

(5) Hong Qiang, YuYou-Li*, Trace metals requirements for continuous thermophilic methane fermentation of high-solid food waste.,  Chemical Engineering Journal  ( IF 16.744 ) . 2013; 222(15): 330-336. Q1

(6) Hong Qiang, Dong-Li Lang, Yu-You Li*.  Minimum Requirments for Trace  Metals in Mesophilic Anaerobic Digester from Foodwaste. In proceedings of the 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, 2011, Tokyou, Japan, Oral Presentation.

(7)  Hong Qiang , Yu-You Li*. High-solid thermophilic methane fermentation of food waste with an emphasis on Iron, Cobalt, Nickel requirements. In proceedings of the 7th international Conference on Environmental Anaerobic Technologies and Bioenergy-Accommodation, 2011, 109-119, Tianjin, China, Oral Presentation.

(8)  L.X. ZHANG,  H. QIANG, S.Q. LI, and X.L. CHEN, Effects of enhanced atmospheric ammonia on photosynthetic characteristics of two maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars with various nitrogen supply across long-term growth period and their diurnal change patterns,  Photosynthetica , 2010,48(3), 389-399. L.-X. Zhang and H. Qiang contributed to this work equally.

(9)  L.X. ZHANG,  H. QIANG, S.Q. LI, X.L. CHEN, Impact of atmospheric ammonia on growth, C and N accumulation and photosynthesis of two maize cultivars with different N root supply,  Plant Physiology and Biochemistry  (IF 5.437), 2011:57. L.-X. Zhang and H. Qiang contributed to this work equally.

(10)  Qigui Niu , Wei Qiao , Hong Qiang , Toshimasa Hojo , Yu-You Li, Mesophilic methane fermentation of chicken manure at a wide range of ammonia concentration: Stability, inhibition and recovery., Bioresoure Technology 2013;137:358-367.

(11)  Qigui Niu, Wei Qiao, Hong Qiang, Yu-You Li, Microbial community shifts and biogas conversion computation during steady, inhibited and recovered stages of thermophilic methane fermentation on chicken manure with a wide variation of ammonia., Bioresoure Technology 2013;146:223-233.

(12)  Yong-Zhi Chi, Yu-You Li*, Min Ji, Hong Qiang, Heng-Wei Deng and Ya-Peng Wu, Mesophilic and thermophilic digestion of thickened waste activated sludge: A comparative study., Advanced materials research. 2010;113-114:450-458.

(13)  Benyi Xiao, Yu Qin, Wenzhe Zhang, Jing Wu, Hong Qiang, Junxin Liu, Yu-You Li*, Temperature-phased anaerobic digestion of food waste: A comparison with single-stage digestions based on performance and energy balance. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 249: 826-834.

(14) 强虹*,李玉友,裴梦富,COD/SO42-对青霉素菌渣厌氧消化影响,环境科学(EI收录),2018,39(7), 3443-3451.

(15) 强虹*, 杨祎楠, 李 娜, 宋亚楠, 李玉友, 金霉素浓度对鸡粪中温厌氧消化特性及抗生素降解的影响, 农业工程学报(EI收录),2019,35(10), 181-190.

(16) 裴梦富,强 虹*,杨祎楠,刘晓佩,宋梓梅,利用逐级提高进料浓度的方法启动完全混合反应器处理鸡粪,环境工程学报,2018,12(6), 1825-1832.

(17) 宋亚楠,宋梓梅,裴梦富,贾雪雪,强虹*,蔬菜类废弃物甲烷发酵的产气潜能及过程特征,环境工程学报,2018,12(2), 645-653.

(18) 宋梓梅,裴梦富, 宋亚楠,强虹*,鸡粪与不同果蔬废弃物混合厌氧发酵产氢特性研究,西北农林科技大学学报,2018,46(11), 63-69.




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