

      发布日期:2022-02-23    浏览次数:


李明,男,1986年生于甘肃庆阳。西北农林科技大学教授,博士生导师,仲英青年学者。在流域生态学与水域生态学及其交叉领域开展研究工作,主要研究方向包括:(1)富营养化与蓝藻水华防控;(2)藻类生态学与藻类生物技术;(3)面源污染溯源与河湖健康评价;(4)生态毒理学;(5)流域生源要素(碳氮磷)迁移与转化。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、陕西省自然科学基金项目、陕西省水利科技项目等项目30余项。以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文70余篇,授权发明专利3项,编制陕西省地方标准1项,担任《Aquatic Ecology》和《湖泊科学》编委。担任陕西省秦岭青年学者专家委员会委员,获得陕西省科技进步一等奖1项(排名三)、陕西省高等教育优秀高教科研成果特等奖1项(排名五)。主讲《生态环境建设规划》、《水文学》等课程,获得陕西省教学成果特等奖1项(排名五)。


2018-1至今, 西北农林科技大学, 资源环境学院, 教授

2015-1至2017-12, 西北农林科技大学, 资源环境学院, 副教授

2013-12至2014-12, 西北农林科技大学, 资源环境学院, 讲师

2014-5至2016-5, 西北农林科技大学, 博士后, 合作导师: 曲东 教授

2008-9至2013-12, 河海大学, 环境科学与工程, 工学博士, 导师: 朱伟 教授

2004-9至2008-6, 河海大学, 水文与水资源工程, 工学学士, 导师: 谢悦波 教授



[1] Xiao, M., Li, M.*, & Reynolds, C. S. (2018). Colony formation in the cyanobacterium Microcystis. Biological Reviews, 93(3), 1399-1420.

[2] Feng, Q., Ge, R., Sun, Y., Fang, F., Luo, J., Xue, Z., Cao, J. S., & Li, M.* (2020). Revealing hydrodynamic effects on flocculation performance and surface properties of sludge by comparing aeration and stirring systems via computational fluid dynamics aided calculation. Water Research, 172, 115500.

[3] Li, M.*, Xiao, M.#, Zhang, P., & Hamilton, D. P. (2018). Morphospecies-dependent disaggregation of colonies of the cyanobacterium Microcystis under high turbulent mixing. Water Research, 141, 340-348.

[4] Zhu, W., Zhou, X., Chen, H., Gao, L., Xiao, M., & Li, M.* (2016). High nutrient concentration and temperature alleviated formation of large colonies of Microcystis: evidence from field investigations and laboratory experiments. Water Research, 101, 167-175.

[5] Ye, S., Gao, L., Zamyadi, A., Glover, C. M., Ma, N., Wu, H., & Li, M.* (2021). Multi-proxy approaches to investigate cyanobacteria invasion from a eutrophic lake into the circumjacent groundwater. Water Research, 204, 117578.

[6] 朱伟, 陈怀民, 肖曼, & 李明*. (2021). 风生紊流导致微囊藻群体破碎和形态变化. 湖泊科学, 33(2), 349-365.


[1] Gao, L., Liu, G., Zamyadi, A., Wang, Q., & Li, M.* (2021). Life-cycle cost analysis of a hybrid algae-based biological desalination–low pressure reverse osmosis system. Water Research, 195, 116957.

[2] Ye, S., Gao, L., Zhao, J., An, M., Wu, H., & Li, M.* (2020). Simultaneous wastewater treatment and lipid production by Scenedesmus sp. HXY2. Bioresource Technology, 302, 122903.

[3] Ding, Y., Li, M.#, Pan, B.*, Zhao, G., & Gao, L. (2022). Disentangling the drivers of phytoplankton community composition in a heavily sediment-laden transcontinental river. Journal of Environmental Management, 302, 113939.


[1] Wei, M., Duan, P., Gao, P., Guo, S., Hu, Y., Yao, L., & Li, M.* (2020). Exploration and application of hydrochemical characteristics method for quantification of pollution sources in the Danjiangkou Reservoir area. Journal of Hydrology, 590, 125291.

[2] Duan, P., Wei, M., Yao, L., & Li, M.* (2022). Relationship between non-point source pollution and fluorescence fingerprint of riverine dissolved organic matter is season dependent. Science of The Total Environment, 153617.

[3] Wei, M., Gao, C., Zhou, Y., Duan, P., & Li, M.* (2019). Variation in spectral characteristics of dissolved organic matter in inland rivers in various trophic states, and their relationship with phytoplankton. Ecological Indicators, 104, 321-332.

[4] Li, M., Wu, H., Zhang, J., Ngo, H. H., Guo, W., & Kong, Q. (2017). Nitrogen removal and nitrous oxide emission in surface flow constructed wetlands for treating sewage treatment plant effluent: effect of C/N ratios. Bioresource Technology, 240, 157-164.


[1] Zhou, J., Gao, L., Lin, Y., Pan, B., & Li, M.* (2021). Micrometer scale polystyrene plastics of varying concentrations and particle sizes inhibit growth and upregulate microcystin-related gene expression in Microcystis aeruginosa. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 420, 126591.

[2] Gao, C., Gao, L., Duan, P., Wu, H., & Li, M.* (2020). Evaluating combined toxicity of binary heavy metals to the cyanobacterium Microcystis: A theoretical non-linear combined toxicity assessment method. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 187, 109809.

[3] Li, M.*, Nkrumah, P. N., & Peng, Q. (2015). Different tolerances to chemical contaminants between unicellular and colonial morph of Microcystis aeruginosa: excluding the differences among different strains. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 285, 245-249.

(5)流域生源要素(碳氮磷)迁移与转化:结合流域土地利用变化、降雨径流等水文过程,揭示流域中生源要素的迁移与转化规律。通过EEM-PARAFAC及FT ICR MS分析了陕西省典型污水处理厂、土壤以及河湖中溶解性有机物的分布特征;分析了土地利用及点源排放对河流DOM组分的影响;阐明了降雨湿润过程土壤DOM的变化规律;代表性成果有:

[1] Ge, Z., Gao, L., Ma, N., Hu, E., & Li, M.* (2021). Variation in the content and fluorescent composition of dissolved organic matter in soil water during rainfall-induced wetting and extract of dried soil. Science of The Total Environment, 791, 148296.

[2] Zhang, Y., Duan, P., Zhang, P., & Li, M.* (2018). Variations in cyanobacterial and algal communities and soil characteristics under biocrust development under similar environmental conditions. Plant and Soil, 429(1), 241-251.

[3] Jiang, R., Gunina, A., Qu, D., Kuzyakov, Y., Yu, Y., Hatano, R., ... & Li, M.* (2019). Afforestation of loess soils: Old and new organic carbon in aggregates and density fractions. Catena, 177, 49-56.

[4] Zhang, R., Huang, Q., Yan, T., Yang, J., Zheng, Y., Li, H.*, & Li, M.* (2019). Effects of intercropping mulch on the content and composition of soil dissolved organic matter in apple orchard on the loess plateau. Journal of Environmental Management, 250, 109531.




实验室拥有:有机碳分析仪(TOC-CPN, Shimadzu)、紫外可见分光光度计(UV-1780, Shimadzu)、气相色谱仪(GC-2018C, Shimadzu)、液相色谱仪(Agilent 1200)、荧光分光光度计(R6000, Shimadzu)、叶绿素荧光仪(捷克)、高速冷冻离心机、凝胶成像系统、超净台、PCR仪、倒置荧光显微镜、荧光显微镜、光学显微镜、定氮仪等。实验室拥有全套水环境分析仪器设备。实验室拥有全套藻类分离、纯化、鉴定和培养的设备与技术,拥有800 L容量光照培养箱6台,能够全面支撑水生态环境领域的基础研究工作。


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主管领导 : 闫德忠   网管员 : 李平 杨萍

版权所有:   西北农林科技大学资源环境学院

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