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      发布日期:2017-09-30    浏览次数:















  (3)长期施肥黄土肥力演化与肥料效益响应,科技部野外台站基础性长期研究,2006- ,参加人;







  (1)Junyu Xie, Miaomiao Hou, Yingtian Zhou, Renjie Wang, Shulan Zhang, Xueyun Yang, Benhua Sun. 2017. Carbon sequestration and mineralization of aggregate-associated carbon in an intensively cultivated Anthrosol in north Chian as affected by long term fertilization. Geoderma, 296, 1-9.

  (2)Zheng Wang, V.O. Sadras, Xueyun Yang, Xiaoyu Han, Fang Huang, Shulan Zhang. 2017. Synergy between breeding for yield in winter wheat and high-input agriculture in North-West China. Field Crops Research, 209, 136-143.

  (3)Shulan Zhang, Renjie Wang, Xueyun Yang, Benhua Sun & Qinghui Li 2016. Soil aggregation and aggregating agents as affected by long term contrasting management of an Anthrosol. Scientific Reports 6:39107,|DOI: 10.1038/srep39107

  (4)Shulan Zhang, Jie Li, Xueyun Yang, Benhua Sun 2016. Long-term effects of soil management regimes on carbon contents and respiration rates of aggregate size fractions. Soil Use and Management, 32,525-534.

  (5)Shulan Zhang, Xueyun Yang and Lars Lovdahl 2016. Soil Management Practice Effect on Water Balance of a Dryland Soil during Fallow Period on the Loess Plateau of China. Soil & Water Res., 11, 2016 (1): 64-73.

  (6)Shi, Y., Zhao, X., Gao, X., Zhang, S.,Wu, P. 2016. The Effects of Long-term Fertiliser Applications on Soil Organic Carbon and Hydraulic Properties of a Loess Soil in China. Land Degrad. Develop., 27: 60-67.

  (7)Shulan Zhang, Pengcheng Gao, Yanan Tong, David Norse, Yuelai Lu, David Powlson. 2015. Overcoming nitrogen fertilizer over-use through technical and advisory approaches: A case study from Shaanxi Province, northwest China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 209,  89-99.

  (8)Hu C., Ding M., Qu C., Sadras V., Yang X., Zhang S. 2015. Yield and water use efficiency of wheat in the Loess Plateau:Responses to root pruning and defoliation. Field Crops Research 179, 6-11.

  (9)Zhang S., Li Z., Liu J, Li Q, Yang X. 2015. Long-term effects of straw and manure on crop micronutrient nutrition under a wheat-maize cropping system. J. Plant Nutrition, 38, 742-753.

  (10)Shulan Zhang, Zhijun Li, Xueyun Yang. 2015. Effects of Long- term inorganic and organic fertilization on soil micronutrient status. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 46:1778-1790.

  (11)Xie Junyu,Xu Minggang, Qiangjiu Ciren, Yang Yang, Zhang Shulan, Sun Benhua, Yang Xueyun. 2015. Soil aggregation and aggregate associated organic carbon and total nitrogen under long-term contrasting soil management regimes in loess soil. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 14(12):2405-2416.

  (12)Zhang, S., Sadras, V., Chen, X., Zhang, F., 2014. Water use efficiency of dryland maize in the Loess Plateau in response to crop management. Field Crops Res. 163: 55-63.

  (13)Yang X-Y, Sun B-H, Zhang S-L., 2014. Trends of Yield and Soil Fertility in a Long-Term Wheat-Maize System. J. Integr. Agr. 13, 402-414.

  (14)Zhang, S., Sadras, V., Chen, X., Zhang, F., 2013. Water use efficiency of dryland wheat in the Loess Plateau in response to soil and crop management. Field Crops Res. 151,9-18.

  (15)Yang X., Ren W., Sun B., Zhang S. 2012. Effects of contrasting soil management regimes on total and labile soil organic carbon fractions in a loess soil in China. Geoderma 177-178:49-56.

  (16)Yang X., Li P., Zhang S., Sun B., Chen X. 2011. Long-term-fertilization effects on soil organic carbon, physical properties, and wheat yield of a loess soil. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 174, 775-784.

  (17)Zhang S., Li P., Yang X., Wang Z., Chen X. 2011. Effects of tillage and plastic mulch on soil water, growth and yield of spring-sown maize . Soil & Tillage Research, 112, 92-97.

  (18)黄芳,韩晓宇,王峥,杨学云,张树兰. 不同年代冬小麦品种的产量和磷生理效率对土壤肥力水平的响应. 植物营养与肥料学报,2016,22(5):1222-1231.

  (19)谢钧宇, 杨文静, 强久次仁, 薛文, 李婕, 张树兰, 杨学云. 长期不同施肥塿土有机碳和全氮在团聚体中的分布特征. 植物营养与肥料学报,2015,21(6):1413-1422.

  (20)薛彦飞, 薛 文, 张树兰, 杨学云.长期不同施肥对塿土团聚体胶结剂的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2015, 21 (6): 1622-1632.

  (21)王仁杰,强久次仁,薛彦飞,张树兰,杨学云. 长期有机无机肥配施改变了塿土团聚体及其有机和无机碳分布. 中国农业科学,2015,48(23):4678-4689.

  (22)韩晓宇, 黄芳, 王峥, 张树兰, 杨学云. 陕西关中不同年代小麦品种产量及氮素吸收利用对土壤肥力的响应. 中国农业科学,2015,48(23):4769-4780.

  (23)李婕,杨学云,孙本华,张树兰. 不同管理措施下塿土团聚体的大小分布及其稳定性. 植物营养与肥料学报,2014,20(2):346-354.

  (24)李花,葛玮健,马晓霞,黎青慧,任卫东,杨学云,张树兰. 小麦-玉米轮作体系长期施肥对塿土微生物量碳、氮及酶活性的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报,2011,17(5):1140-1146.


  手机:13572985728;电子邮件:zhangshulan@nwafu.edu.cn; zhshulan@hotmail.com ;


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